Sandcastle Help File Builder Namespaces

Sandcastle Help File Builder. Written by Eric Woodruff ( For the latest version visit


Sandcastle.CoreThis namespace contains common core types related to the Sandcastle tools.
Sandcastle.Core.BuildAssemblerThis namespace contains types related to BuildAssembler.
Sandcastle.Core.BuildAssembler.BuildComponentThis namespace contains BuildAssembler component types.
Sandcastle.Core.BuildAssembler.SyntaxGeneratorThis namespace contains BuildAssembler syntax generator types.
Sandcastle.Core.CommandLineThis namespace contains types used to interact with command line parameters.
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyleThis namespace contains presentation style related types.
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.TransformationThis namespace contains presentation transformation related types.
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.ElementsThis namespace contains presentation transformation elements that are format-neutral or perform render output conditionally based on the supported output format(s).
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.Elements.HtmlThis namespace contains presentation transformation elements that render HTML-specific output.
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.Elements.MarkdownThis namespace contains presentation transformation elements that render markdown-specific output.
Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.Elements.OpenXmlThis namespace contains presentation transformation elements that render Open XML-specific output.
Sandcastle.Core.ReflectionThis namespace contains types used to manage reflection data sets.
Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponentsThis namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build components.
Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.CommandsThis namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build components commands.
Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.SnippetsThis namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build component snippet handling.
Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.TargetsThis namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build components target type definitions.
Sandcastle.Tools.SyntaxGeneratorsThis namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build component syntax generators.
SandcastleBuilder.ComponentsThis namespace contains custom build components used by the Sandcastle BuildAssembler tool. The components are used to add additional features to the help topics such as a code colorization, alternate framework data caching implementations, etc.
SandcastleBuilder.MicrosoftHelpViewerThis namespace contains classes related to the Microsoft Help Viewer help file format and the installation tool.
SandcastleBuilder.PlugInsThis namespace contains the plug-ins supplied with the Sandcastle Help File Builder. These can be used in a project to extend or alter the build process in various ways such as supporting build completion notification, deployment, and generating documentation with AjaxDoc.
SandcastleBuilder.UtilsThis namespace contains various utility classes and the help file builder project classes.
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.BuildComponentThis namespace contains the classes used to load and manage third-party build components that can be used with the help file builder and Sandcastle tools (plug-ins, build components, syntax generators, and presentation styles).
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.BuildEngineThis namespace contains the classes related to the build engine.
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.ConceptualContentThis namespace contains classes related to conceptual content items.
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.DesignThis namespace contains various designer classes.
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.InheritedDocumentationThis namespace contains classes related to indexing comments files used when generating inherited documentation.
SandcastleBuilder.Utils.MSBuildThis namespace contains MSBuild related classes such as tasks and project file wrappers.