Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents Namespace

This namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build components.


AdditionalHeaderResourcesComponent This component is used add additional metadata, style sheet, and script file resources to the header of the transformed topics.
AdditionalHeaderResourcesComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
CloneComponent This build component is used to clone the topic for each set of build components and execute them on the cloned topic.
CloneComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
CodeBlockComponent This build component is used to search for <code> XML comment tags and colorize the code within them. It can also include code from an external file or a region within the file.
CodeBlockComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component used to colorize code blocks
CopyFromFileComponent This build component copies elements from one or more constant XML files into the target document based on one or more copy commands that define the elements to copy and where to put them.
CopyFromFileComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
CopyFromFilesComponent This build component copies elements from one or more XML files determined using an XPath query into the target document based on one or more copy commands that define the elements to copy and where to put them.
CopyFromFilesComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
CopyFromIndexComponent This build component copies elements from an indexed set of XML files into the target document based on one or more copy commands that define the elements to copy and where to put them.
CopyFromIndexComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
ExampleComponent This build component is used to replace code references with snippets from a file
ExampleComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
FileCreatedEventArgs This event arguments class is used by build components to indicate that they have saved a file of some sort (help content or fragment). The event handler is responsible for figuring out what to do with the event.
ForEachComponent This component is used to execute a set of components on the topic
ForEachComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
IfThenComponent This component is used to conditionally execute a set of components based on an XPath condition
IfThenComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
IntelliSenseComponent This build component is used to generate IntelliSense files based on the documented APIs.
IntelliSenseComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
LanguageSpecificTextComponent This component is used to convert the span style language-specific text elements to the script style elements used in the HTML-based presentation styles.
LanguageSpecificTextComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
MicrosoftLearnMemberIdUrlResolver This class is used to convert member IDs for .NET Framework class members to their Microsoft Learn URL
MSHCComponent This class is a modified version of the original MSHCComponent that is used to add MS Help Viewer meta data to the topics. This version allows the inclusion of a sortOrder attribute on the table of contents file elements. This allows the sort order of the elements to be defined to set the proper placement of the TOC entries when parented to an entry outside of the help file and to parent the API content within a conceptual content folder.
MSHCComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
ResolveArtLinksComponent This component is used to resolve links to media files (i.e images)
ResolveArtLinksComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
ResolveConceptualLinksComponent This is a modified version of the original ResolveConceptualLinksComponent that is used to resolve links to conceptual topics.
ResolveConceptualLinksComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
ResolveReferenceLinksComponent This build component is used to resolve links to reference topics
ResolveReferenceLinksComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
SaveComponent This build component is used to save the generated document or parts of it to a file
SaveComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
SharedContentComponent This build component is used to replace a given set of elements with the content of shared content items loaded from XML files.
SharedContentComponentApiTokenResolutionComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component used for API token resolution
SharedContentComponentDefaultFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
ShowMissingComponent This build component is used to add "missing" notes for missing summary, parameter, returns, value, and remarks tags. It can also add default summary documentation for constructors.
ShowMissingComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
SwitchComponent This build component executes a set of build components on the topic based on the result of an XPath expression.
SwitchComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
SyntaxComponent This build component is used to generate syntax sections for API member topics
SyntaxComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
TransformComponent This build component is used to transform the intermediate topic to its final form such as an HTML document.
TransformComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component
TransformDocumentDumpComponent This build component is a development aid. It is used to save the pre-transform and post-transform document data for use in testing presentation style transformations and comparing the output.
TransformDocumentDumpComponentFactory This is used to create a new instance of the build component