Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation Namespace

This namespace contains presentation transformation related types.


LanguageFilterItem This defines the shared content item ID and keyword style values used for the language filter options
RenderedSectionEventArgs This event arguments class is used to report when a topic section has been rendered
RenderTopicEventArgs This event arguments class is used to report when a topic is starting to be or has finished being rendered by the presentation style topic transformation.
TopicTransformationCore This abstract base class is used to define the settings and common functionality for a specific presentation style topic transformation.
TopicTransformationExtensions This contains various extension and utility methods for presentation style transformations
TransformationArgument This class is used to contain transformation argument values
UnhandledElementEventArgs This event arguments class is used to report unhandled elements found while transforming a presentation style topic.


ApiTopicSectionType This enumerated type defines the sections that are rendered in an API topic
EnumMemberSortOrder This enumerated type defines how enumeration members are sorted
EnumValueFormat This enumerated value defines the enumeration value formats
LogoAlignment This enumerated type defines logo alignment values used when the logo is placed above the title
LogoPlacement This enumerated type defines logo placement values