TopicTransformationCore Class

This abstract base class is used to define the settings and common functionality for a specific presentation style topic transformation.


Namespace: Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation
Assembly: Sandcastle.Core (in Sandcastle.Core.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public abstract class TopicTransformationCore
Object    TopicTransformationCore


This implements the core processing common to all presentation styles. While it can render presentation style neutral elements such as referenceLink and include elements, any presentation style specific elements such as HTML elements, Open XML elements, or markdown should be rendered by derived classes in the appropriate overridden methods.



ApiMember This read-only property returns common API member information for the API topic being rendered. This is not used for MAML topics.
ApiTopicSections This read-only property returns an enumerable list of the API section handlers in the order that they will be rendered
BibliographyData This read-only property returns the content of the bibliography data file if a BibliographyDataFile has been specified.
BibliographyDataFile This is used to get or set the path to the bibliography data file for the bibliography and cite elements.
CodeSnippetLanguageConversion This read-only property returns a dictionary containing code snippet language ID conversions
CommentsNode This read-only property returns the comments node for the API topic being rendered. This is not used for MAML topics.
CurrentElement This is used to get or set the current element to which rendered content is being added
DocumentNode This read-only property returns the root document node for the topic being rendered
HasFooterContent This property is used to get or set whether or not all pages should be have the footer content item inserted into them.
HasHeaderText This property is used to get or set whether or not all pages should be have the header text item inserted into them.
HasWebsiteAdContent This property is used to get or set whether or not all pages should be have the website ad content item inserted into them.
IconPath This is used to get or set the path used for icons and other images in the presentation style
IsMamlTopic This read-only property returns true if a MAML topic is being generated, false if an API topic is being generated
IsPreliminaryDocumentation This property is used to get or set whether or not all pages should be marked with a "preliminary documentation" warning in the page header.
Key This read-only property returns the topic key
LanguageFilter This read-only property returns the language filter items for presentation styles that contain one in their topics.
Locale This is used to get or set the locale
MetadataNode This read-only property returns the metadata node for the topic being rendered
ReferenceNode This read-only property returns the reference node for the API topic being rendered. This is not used for MAML topics.
ResolvePath This read-only property is used to get the function use to resolve a path to a presentation style content file of some sort.
ScriptPath This is used to get or set the path used for scripts in the presentation style
StartupScriptBlockItemIds This read-only property returns an enumerable list of the startup script block item IDs that have been registered.
StartupScriptBlocks This read-only property returns an enumerable list of the startup script blocks that have been registered.
StyleSheetPath This is used to get or set the path used for style sheets in the presentation style
SupportedFormats This read-only property returns the help file formats supported by the presentation style
SyntaxNode This read-only property returns the syntax node for the API topic being rendered. This is not used for MAML topics.
TopicNode This read-only property returns the topic node for the MAML topic being rendered. This is not used for API topics.
TopicTemplatePath This is used to get or set the topic template path if the presentation style makes use of one
TransformationArguments This read-only property returns a dictionary used to contain transformation arguments used by the presentation style
UsesLegacyCodeColorizer This property is used to get or set whether or not the presentation style transformation uses the legacy code colorizer.


AddApiTopicSectionHandler Add a new API topic section handler
AddApiTopicSectionHandlerRange Add a range of new API topic section handlers
AddElement Add an element that will be transformed when the topic is rendered
AddElements Add a range of elements that will be transformed when the topic is rendered
AddLanguageFilterItems This is used to add the language filter item information for presentation styles that contain a language filter in the topics.
AddLanguageSpecificText Add a language specific text entry
AddLanguageSpecificTextRange Add a range of language specific text entries
AddTransformationArgument Add a new transformation argument
AddTransformationArgumentRange Add a range of new transformation arguments
ApiTopicOperatorTypes Get parameter and return types for an operator API member topic (e.g. Int32 to Decimal)
ApiTopicParameterTypes Get parameter types for an API member topic in plain text format
ApiTopicSectionHandlerFor This is used to retrieve the current API topic section handler for the given section
ApiTopicShortNameDecorated Get the short type/member name for an API topic decorated with language-specific text. This is used for page title.
ApiTopicShortNamePlainText Get the short type/member name for an API topic in plain text. This is used for metadata values and the table of contents title.
ApiTopicTitle Get the title for an API topic
ApiTopicTocTitleSimple Get the simple table of contents title for an API topic
ApiTypeNameDecorated This is used to get a type name in decorated with language-specific text elements based on the given type information.
ApiTypeNamePlainText This is used to get a type name in plain text based on the given type information
ApiTypeNameWithTemplateCount This is used to get the type name with the template count if any (e.g. TypeName`2)
CreateApiTopicSectionHandlers This is called to create the API topic section handlers that will be used by the transformation
CreateElementHandlers This is called to create the element handlers that will be used by the transformation
CreateLanguageSpecificText This is called to create the language specific text elements that will be used by the transformation
CreateSection Create a topic section with a title
CreateSubsection Create a topic subsection with a title
CreateTransformationArguments This is called to create the transformation arguments that will be used by the transformation
ElementHandlerFor This is used to retrieve the current handler for the given element name
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
InsertApiTopicSectionHandlerAfter Insert an API topic section handler after the given section handler
InsertApiTopicSectionHandlerBefore Insert an API topic section handler before the given section handler
LanguageIdFor This is used to get the language ID for the given language from a syntax section or code example
LanguageSpecificApiNames This returns an enumerable list of plain text API member names with language-specific text for use in help index entries.
LanguageSpecificTextFor This is used to retrieve the language specific text for a given keyword
LoadTemplateFile Load a template file and perform any necessary substitution tag replacements
MamlTopicTitle Get the title for a MAML topic
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnRenderCompleted This is used to raise the RenderCompleted event
OnRenderStarting This is used to raise the RenderStarting event
OnSectionRendered This is used to raise the SectionRendered event
OnUnhandledElement This is used to raise the UnhandledElement event
RegisterStartupScript This is used to register a block of script to execute in the $(document).ready() function by presentation styles that support script.
RegisterStartupScriptItem This is used to register a shared content item ID that contains a block of script with localized text. These will be added to a script element at the end of the document body by presentation styles that support script.
RemoveApiTopicSectionHandler Remove an API topic section handler
Render This is used to parse the topic data and render the topic output for the presentation style
RenderChildElements This makes the given parent element the current element, renders the list of children to it and then resets the current element to the prior current element.
RenderNode Render the given XML node based on its node type
RenderTextNode This is used to render a text node
RenderTopic Render the topic content based on the topic type
RenderTypeReferenceLink This is used to render a reference link based on the given type information
ReplaceApiTopicSectionHandler Replace an API topic section handler with a new one
ReplaceElement Replace an element handler
ReplaceElements Replace a range of elements
ReplaceLanguageSpecificText Replace a language specific text entry
ReplaceLanguageSpecificTextRange Replace a range of language specific text entries
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)


RenderCompleted This event is raised to notify the user that the topic has been completely rendered
RenderStarting This event is raised to notify the user that the topic is about to be rendered
SectionRendered This event is raised to notify the user of section having been rendered
UnhandledElement This event is raised to notify the user of an unhandled element


VersionNumberSeparators This returns the assembly version number separator characters

See Also