Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.Elements Namespace

This namespace contains presentation transformation elements that are format-neutral or perform render output conditionally based on the supported output format(s).


ApiTopicSectionHandler This handles rendering of an API topic section
BibliographyElement This is used to handle general bibliography elements based on the topic type
CiteElement This is used to handle general cite elements in a topic
CodeEntityReferenceElement This handles codeEntityReference elements
CodeExampleElement This is used to handle codeExample elements in a topic
ConvertibleElement This handles elements that are converted to a different element name and have an optional style attribute.
CopyrightElement This handles copyright elements
Element This abstract base class is used to create rendered elements in API and MAML topics
ExternalLinkElement This handles externalLink elements
IgnoredElement This can be used to completely ignore an element and any child elements it contains so that they are not rendered in the topic at all.
ImplementsElement This handles the implements element in a syntax section
IntroductionElement This is used to handle introduction elements in a topic
LanguageKeywordElement This handles languageKeyword elements
LegacyLinkElement This handles legacyLink elements
LinkElement This handles link elements
MarkupElement This handles the markup element, a parent element that does not itself have any rendered representation. It just clones the child nodes, removes any XML namespaces, and passes them through as-is.
MediaLinkInlineElement This handles mediaLinkInline elements
NamedSectionElement This is used to handle named section elements in a topic
NonRenderedParentElement This handles parent elements that do not themselves have any rendered representation. It simply parses each of the child nodes in the given element if it has any and renders those as needed.
NoteElement This is used to handle note and alert elements in a topic
ParametersElement This is used to handle parameters elements based on the topic type
PassthroughElement This handles passthrough elements such as HTML elements by writing them out along with any attributes and then parsing any child nodes.
PreliminaryElement This handles the preliminary element
ProcedureElement This is used to handle general procedure elements in a topic
RelatedTopicsElement This is used to handle relatedTopics elements in a topic
ReturnsElement This is used to handle returns elements
SectionElement This is used to handle general section elements in a topic
SeeElement This handles see and seealso elements
StepsElement This is used to handle general steps elements in a topic
SummaryElement This handles the summary element based on the topic type
TemplatesElement This is used to handle templates elements
ThreadsafetyElement This is used to handle threadsafety elements
TopicType This class is used to contain information about the topic types that can appear in a help file
ValueElement This is used to handle value elements
VersionsElement This is used to handle versions elements


AutoOutlineType This enumerated type defines the auto-outline type
TopicTypeGroup This enumerated type defines topic type groups