Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.Targets Namespace

This namespace contains various classes related to the Sandcastle build components target type definitions.


ArrayTypeReference This represents an array type reference
ArtTarget This class holds art target information used to resolve art links by the ResolveArtLinksComponent
ConceptualLinkInfo This class is used to hold conceptual link information used by the ResolveConceptualLinksComponent.
ConstructorTarget This represents a constructor target
EnumerationTarget This represents an enumeration target
EventTarget This represents an event target
ExtensionMethodReference This represents and extension method reference
IndexedTemplateTypeReference This represents an indexed template type reference
InMemoryTargetDictionary This contains a collection of targets indexed by member ID stored in a simple ConcurrentDictionaryTKey, TValue entirely in memory.
InvalidReference This represents an invalid reference
LinkTextResolver Link text writing logic
MemberReference This is the base class for member references
MemberTarget This represents a member target
MethodTarget This represents a method target
MethodTemplateTypeReference This represents a method template type reference
NamedTemplateTypeReference This represents a named template type reference
NamespaceReference This represents a namespace reference
NamespaceTarget This represents a namespace target
Parameter This represents a parameter
PointerTypeReference This represents a pointer type reference
ProcedureTarget This represents a procedure target
PropertyTarget This represents a property target
Reference This is the base class for reference types
ReferenceLinkInfo This class is used to hold reference link information used by the ResolveReferenceLinksComponent.
ReferenceTypeReference This represents a reference type reference
SharedContentElement This class holds the properties of a shared content element that needs to be replaced in a topic
SimpleMemberReference This represents a simple member reference
SimpleTypeReference This represents a simple type reference
Specialization This represents a specialization
SpecializedMemberReference This represents a specialized member reference
SpecializedMemberWithParametersReference This represents a specialized member with parameters reference
SpecializedTypeReference This represents a specialized type reference
Target This is the base class for all other target types
TargetDictionary This is a base class used for a collection of targets indexed by member ID
TargetDirectory This represents a targets directory along with all the associated expressions used to find target metadata files in it, and extract URLs and link text from those files using the ResolveConceptualLinksComponent.
TargetDirectoryCollection This class contains a set of TargetDirectory items used by ResolveConceptualLinksComponent.
TargetInfo This class is used to represent a resolved target containing all the information necessary to actually write out the link by using the ResolveConceptualLinksComponent.
TargetTypeDictionary This is a dictionary used to contain common target dictionaries with their associated link type
TemplateTypeReference This is the base class for template type references
TextReferenceUtilities Logic for constructing references from code entity reference strings. Anything that depends on the specific form of the ID strings lives here.
TypeReference This is the base type for type references
TypeTarget This represents a type target
TypeTemplateTypeReference This represents a type template type reference
XmlTargetDictionaryUtilities The logic to construct Target and Reference objects from XML reflection data. Anything that depends on specifics of the XML reflection data format lives here.


ConceptualLinkType This public enumerated type defines the conceptual content link types
DisplayOptions This public enumerated type defines the display options for reference content links
ReferenceLinkType This public enumerated type defines the reference content link types