AddApiTopicSectionHandler | Add a new API topic section handler |
AddApiTopicSectionHandlerRange | Add a range of new API topic section handlers |
AddElement | Add an element that will be transformed when the topic is rendered |
AddElements | Add a range of elements that will be transformed when the topic is rendered |
AddLanguageFilterItems | This is used to add the language filter item information for presentation styles that contain a language filter in the topics. |
AddLanguageSpecificText | Add a language specific text entry |
AddLanguageSpecificTextRange | Add a range of language specific text entries |
AddTransformationArgument | Add a new transformation argument |
AddTransformationArgumentRange | Add a range of new transformation arguments |
ApiTopicOperatorTypes | Get parameter and return types for an operator API member topic (e.g. Int32 to Decimal) |
ApiTopicParameterTypes | Get parameter types for an API member topic in plain text format |
ApiTopicSectionHandlerFor | This is used to retrieve the current API topic section handler for the given section |
ApiTopicShortNameDecorated | Get the short type/member name for an API topic decorated with language-specific text. This is used for page title. |
ApiTopicShortNamePlainText | Get the short type/member name for an API topic in plain text. This is used for metadata values and the table of contents title. |
ApiTopicTitle | Get the title for an API topic |
ApiTopicTocTitleSimple | Get the simple table of contents title for an API topic |
ApiTypeNameDecorated | This is used to get a type name in decorated with language-specific text elements based on the given type information. |
ApiTypeNamePlainText | This is used to get a type name in plain text based on the given type information |
ApiTypeNameWithTemplateCount | This is used to get the type name with the template count if any (e.g. TypeName`2) |
CreateApiTopicSectionHandlers | This is called to create the API topic section handlers that will be used by the transformation |
CreateElementHandlers | This is called to create the element handlers that will be used by the transformation |
CreateLanguageSpecificText | This is called to create the language specific text elements that will be used by the transformation |
CreateSection | Create a topic section with a title |
CreateSubsection | Create a topic subsection with a title |
CreateTransformationArguments | This is called to create the transformation arguments that will be used by the transformation |
ElementHandlerFor | This is used to retrieve the current handler for the given element name |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
InsertApiTopicSectionHandlerAfter | Insert an API topic section handler after the given section handler |
InsertApiTopicSectionHandlerBefore | Insert an API topic section handler before the given section handler |
LanguageIdFor | This is used to get the language ID for the given language from a syntax section or code example |
LanguageSpecificApiNames | This returns an enumerable list of plain text API member names with language-specific text for use in help index entries. |
LanguageSpecificTextFor | This is used to retrieve the language specific text for a given keyword |
LoadTemplateFile | Load a template file and perform any necessary substitution tag replacements |
MamlTopicTitle | Get the title for a MAML topic |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
OnRenderCompleted | This is used to raise the RenderCompleted event |
OnRenderStarting | This is used to raise the RenderStarting event |
OnSectionRendered | This is used to raise the SectionRendered event |
OnUnhandledElement | This is used to raise the UnhandledElement event |
RegisterStartupScript | This is used to register a block of script to execute in the $(document).ready() function by presentation styles that support script. |
RegisterStartupScriptItem | This is used to register a shared content item ID that contains a block of script with localized text. These will be added to a script element at the end of the document body by presentation styles that support script. |
RemoveApiTopicSectionHandler | Remove an API topic section handler |
Render | This is used to parse the topic data and render the topic output for the presentation style |
RenderChildElements | This makes the given parent element the current element, renders the list of children to it and then resets the current element to the prior current element. |
RenderNode | Render the given XML node based on its node type |
RenderTextNode | This is used to render a text node |
RenderTopic | Render the topic content based on the topic type |
RenderTypeReferenceLink | This is used to render a reference link based on the given type information |
ReplaceApiTopicSectionHandler | Replace an API topic section handler with a new one |
ReplaceElement | Replace an element handler |
ReplaceElements | Replace a range of elements |
ReplaceLanguageSpecificText | Replace a language specific text entry |
ReplaceLanguageSpecificTextRange | Replace a range of language specific text entries |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |