public class ChildPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
Public Class ChildPropertyDescriptor
Inherits PropertyDescriptor
public ref class ChildPropertyDescriptor : public PropertyDescriptor
type ChildPropertyDescriptor =
inherit PropertyDescriptor
ChildPropertyDescriptor | Constructor |
AttributeArray | Gets or sets an array of attributes. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
Attributes | Gets the collection of attributes for this member. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
Category | Gets the name of the category to which the member belongs, as specified in the CategoryAttribute. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
ComponentType |
This returns the type for the component to which the property is bound
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.ComponentType) |
Converter | Gets the type converter for this property. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
Description | Gets the description of the member, as specified in the DescriptionAttribute. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
DesignTimeOnly | Gets whether this member should be set only at design time, as specified in the DesignOnlyAttribute. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
DisplayName | Gets the name that can be displayed in a window, such as a Properties window. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
IsBrowsable | Gets a value indicating whether the member is browsable, as specified in the BrowsableAttribute. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
IsLocalizable | Gets a value indicating whether this property should be localized, as specified in the LocalizableAttribute. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
IsReadOnly |
This is used to indicate whether or not the property is read-only
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.IsReadOnly) |
Name | Gets the name of the member. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
NameHashCode | Gets the hash code for the name of the member, as specified in GetHashCode(). (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
PropertyType |
This returns the type for the property
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.PropertyType) |
SerializationVisibility | Gets a value indicating whether this property should be serialized, as specified in the DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
SupportsChangeEvents | Gets a value indicating whether value change notifications for this property may originate from outside the property descriptor. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
AddValueChanged | Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
CanResetValue |
This is used to indicate whether or not the property can be reset
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.CanResetValue(Object)) |
CreateAttributeCollection | Creates a collection of attributes using the array of attributes passed to the constructor. (Inherited from MemberDescriptor) |
CreateInstance | Creates an instance of the specified type. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
Equals | Compares this to another object to see if they are equivalent. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
FillAttributes | Adds the attributes of the PropertyDescriptor to the specified list of attributes in the parent class. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
GetChildProperties() | Returns the default PropertyDescriptorCollection. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetChildProperties(Attribute[]) | Returns a PropertyDescriptorCollection using a specified array of attributes as a filter. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetChildProperties(Object) | Returns a PropertyDescriptorCollection for a given object. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetChildProperties(Object, Attribute[]) | Returns a PropertyDescriptorCollection for a given object using a specified array of attributes as a filter. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetEditor | Gets an editor of the specified type. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this object. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetInvocationTarget | This method returns the object that should be used during invocation of members. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
GetTypeFromName | Returns a type using its name. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
GetValue |
This returns the current value of the property on the component
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.GetValue(Object)) |
GetValueChangedHandler | Retrieves the current set of ValueChanged event handlers for a specific component (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
OnValueChanged | Raises the ValueChanged event that you implemented. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
RemoveValueChanged | Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. (Inherited from PropertyDescriptor) |
ResetValue |
This is used to reset the property to its default value
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.ResetValue(Object)) |
SetValue |
This is used to set the property on the component to a new value
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.SetValue(Object, Object)) |
ShouldSerializeValue |
This is used to indicate whether or not the property should be persisted
(Overrides PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(Object)) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |