ChildPropertyDescriptor | This property descriptor is used to return information for a child property |
ChildPropertyTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with a specific type of object. |
ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor | This custom type descriptor is used to add child properties to the set of visible, bindable properties for an object. |
ExtendedBindingList<T> | This is a generic, bindable base class used to hold a collection of items and supports various useful features such as sorting and searching. |
FreeBusyPropertyTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the FreeBusyProperty class. |
HidePropertyAttribute | This is a simple attribute class used to indicate which properties should be hidden but allows their children to be included for binding. |
ObservanceRuleTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the ObservanceRule class. |
PropertyComparer<T> | This comparer is used to compare two items based on values retrieved from a property descriptor |
VAlarmTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VAlarm class. |
VCardTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VCard class. |
VEventTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VEvent class. |
VFreeBusyTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VFreeBusy class. |
VJournalTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VJournal class. |
VNoteTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VNote class. |
VTimeZoneTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VTimeZone class. |
VToDoTypeDescriptionProvider | This is a custom type description provider that associates the ChildPropertyTypeDescriptor with the VToDo class. |