VCard Class

This class is used to represent a vCard object. This serves as an electronic business card containing name, address, contact information, etc.


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.Objects
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public class VCard : PDIObject, ISerializable
Object    PDIObject    VCard


The Version property determines whether it is a vCard 2.1 or vCard 3.0 object


VCard() Default constructor. Unless the version is changed, the object will conform to the vCard 3.0 specification.
VCard(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Deserialization constructor for use with ISerializable


AddProfile This property is used to set or get a flag indicating whether or not the PROFILE:VCARD property should be output.
Addresses This is used to get the Address (ADR) properties. There may be more than one.
Agents This is used to get the Agent (AGENT) properties. There may be more than one agent.
Anniversary This is used to get the Anniversary (ANNIVERSARY) property
BirthDate This is used to get the Birth Date (BDAY) property
Categories This is used to get the categories (CATEGORIES) property
Classification This is used to get the access classification (CLASS) property
ClientPidMaps This is used to get the client PID map (CLIENTPIDMAP) properties
CustomProperties This is a catch-all that holds all unknown or extension properties
EMailAddresses This is used to get the E-Mail (EMAIL) properties. There may be more than one.
FormattedName This is used to get the Formatted Name (FN) property
Gender This is used to get the gender (GENDER) property
GeographicPosition This is used to get the geographic position (GEO) property
Group The group to which this vCard belongs
Kind This is used to get the Kind (KIND) property
Labels This is used to get the Label (LABEL) properties. There may be more than one.
LastRevision This is used to get the Last Revision (REV) property
Logo This is used to get the Logo (LOGO) property
Mailer This is used to get the Mailer (MAILER) property
Members This is used to get the member (MEMBER) properties
MimeName This is used to get the MIME Name (NAME) property used to specify the displayable presentation text associated with the source for the vCard, as specified in the MimeSource property.
MimeSource This is used to get the MIME Source (SOURCE) property
Name This is used to get the Name (N) property
Nickname This is used to get the nickname (NICKNAME) property
Notes This is used to get the Note (NOTE) properties. There may be more than one if notes are grouped.
Organization This is used to get the Organization (ORG) property
Photo This is used to get the Photo (PHOTO) property
ProductId This is used to get the Product ID (PRODID) property
PublicKey This is used to get the Public Key (KEY) property
Related This is used to get the Related (RELATED) properties. There may be more than one.
Role This is used to get the Role (ROLE) property
SortString This is used to get the sort string (SORT-STRING) property
Sound This is used to get the Sound (SOUND) property
Telephones This is used to get the Telephone (TEL) properties. There may be more than one.
TimeZone This is used to get the Time Zone (TZ) property
Title This is used to get the Title (TITLE) property
UniqueId This is used to get the Unique ID (UID) property
Url This is used to get the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) property
Urls This is used to get the URL (URL) properties. There may be more than one.
Version This is overridden to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it when the version is set on the vCard.
(Overrides PDIObject.Version)
VersionsSupported This is used to establish the specification versions supported by the PDI object
(Overrides PDIObject.VersionsSupported)


ClearProperties The method can be called to clear all current property values from the vCard. The version is left unchanged.
Clone() This is overridden to allow cloning of a PDI object
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone())
Clone(PDIObject) This is overridden to allow copying of the additional properties
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone(PDIObject))
Equals This is overridden to allow proper comparison of vCard objects
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object))
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode Get a hash code for the vCard object
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode())
GetObjectData This implements the ISerializable interface and adds the appropriate members to the serialization info based on the vCard settings.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
PropagateVersion This is used to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it
ToString Convert the vCard instance to its string form
(Overrides Object.ToString())
WriteToStream(TextWriter) This can be used to write a vCard to a PDI data stream
WriteToStream(TextWriter, StringBuilder) This can be used to write a vCard to a PDI data stream

See Also