ExtendedBindingList<T> Properties


AllowEditGets or sets a value indicating whether items in the list can be edited.
(Inherited from BindingList<T>)
AllowNewGets or sets a value indicating whether you can add items to the list using the AddNew() method.
(Inherited from BindingList<T>)
AllowRemoveGets or sets a value indicating whether you can remove items from the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<T>)
CountGets the number of elements actually contained in the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<T>)
IsSortedCore This returns a flag indicating whether or not sorting is currently applied
(Overrides BindingList<T>.IsSortedCore)
ItemGets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from Collection<T>)
ItemsGets a IList<T> wrapper around the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<T>)
RaiseListChangedEventsGets or sets a value indicating whether adding or removing items within the list raises ListChanged events.
(Inherited from BindingList<T>)
SortDirectionCore This returns the current sort direction if sorting has been applied
(Overrides BindingList<T>.SortDirectionCore)
SortPropertyCore This returns the current property descriptor if sorting has been applied
(Overrides BindingList<T>.SortPropertyCore)
SupportsChangeNotificationCoreGets a value indicating whether ListChanged events are enabled.
(Inherited from BindingList<T>)
SupportsSearchingCore This is used to indicate whether or not searching is supported
(Overrides BindingList<T>.SupportsSearchingCore)
SupportsSortingCore This is used to indicate whether or not sorting is supported
(Overrides BindingList<T>.SupportsSortingCore)
SyncRoot This returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection

See Also