BaseAltRepProperty Class

This class is used as a base class for the various iCalenar property classes that support the Alternate Representation (ALTREP) parameter.


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.Properties
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public abstract class BaseAltRepProperty : BaseProperty
Object    PDIObject    BaseProperty    BaseAltRepProperty


This property will extract the ALTREP parameter value if present and allow access to it via the AlternateRepresentation property of this class.


BaseAltRepProperty Constructor


AlternateRepresentation This property is used to set or get the alternative representation (ALTREP) parameter
CharacterSet This is used to set or get the character set used for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
CustomParameters This property is used to set or get a string containing custom parameters that are not part of the specification. These are usually prefixed with "X-" to indicate an extension.
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
DefaultValueLocation Derived classes should override this to define the default data type/location to use if a VALUE parameter is not specified.
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
EncodedValue This is used to set or get the value of the property in its encoded string form representing how it will be read from or written to the PDI data stream (i.e. Base 64, Quoted-Printable, etc).
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
EncodingMethod Set or get the encoding method for this property's value as a value in the EncodingType enumeration.
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
EncodingString Set or get the encoding method for this property's value as a string
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Group The group to which this property belongs
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Language This is used to set or get the language used for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
PropertyId This is used to get or set the property ID for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Tag This read-only property must be specified to define the tag used for the property (i.e. FN, N, ADR, etc).
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Value This is used to set or get the value of the property in its unencoded string form
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
ValueLocation The value (data) type or location of this property's value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Version This is overridden to enforce the correct encoding type when the version changes
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
VersionsSupported All objects derived from this class must implement this to indicate the specification versions with which they can be used.
(Inherited from PDIObject)


Clone() This must be overridden to allow cloning of a PDI object
(Inherited from PDIObject)
Clone(PDIObject) This is overridden to allow copying of the additional properties
(Overrides BaseProperty.Clone(PDIObject))
Decode This method is used to decode a value read in from a PDI data stream
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
DeserializeParameters This is overridden to provide custom handling of the ALTREP parameter
(Overrides BaseProperty.DeserializeParameters(StringCollection))
Encode This method is used to encode a value for output to a PDI data stream
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Equals This is overridden to allow proper comparison of property objects
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode Get a hash code for the property object
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
SerializeCharacterSet This is called to serialize the CHARSET parameter if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
SerializeCustomParameters This is called to serialize any custom parameters if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
SerializeEncoding This is called to serialize the ENCODING parameter if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
SerializeLanguage This is called to serialize the LANGUAGE parameter if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
SerializeParameters This is overridden to provide custom handling of the ALTREP parameter
(Overrides BaseProperty.SerializeParameters(StringBuilder))
SerializePropertyId This is called to serialize the PID parameter if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
SerializeValueLocation This is called to serialize the value location parameter if necessary
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
ToString() This is overridden to convert the instance to a string
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
ToString(StringBuilder) This is used to convert the property instance to a format suitable for writing to a PDI data stream
(Inherited from BaseProperty)

See Also