PhoneTypes Enumeration

This enumerated type defines the various phone types for the TelephoneProperty


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.Properties
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public enum PhoneTypes


None0Indicates no type specified
Preferred1Indicates preferred (PREF) number (vCard 2.1 and 3.0 only)
Work2Indicates a work (WORK) number
Home4Indicates a home (HOME) number
Voice8Indicates a voice (VOICE) number (the default)
Fax16Indicates a facsimile (FAX) number
Message32Indicates a messaging service (MSG) on the number
Cell64Indicates a cellular (CELL) number
Pager128Indicates a pager (PAGER) number
BBS256Indicates a bulletin board service (BBS) number
Modem512Indicates a modem (MODEM) number
Car1,024Indicates a car-phone (CAR) number
ISDN2,048Indicates an ISDN (ISDN) number
Video4,096Indicates a video-phone (VIDEO) number
PCS8,192Indicates a personal communication services (PCS) telephone number (3.0 specification only)
Text16,384Indicates a text message (SMS) number (4.0 specification only)
TextPhone32,768Indicates a number for a telecommunication device for people with hearing or speech difficulties (4.0 specification only)

See Also