VCalendar Class

This class is used to represent a vCalendar or iCalendar object


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.Objects
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public class VCalendar : CalendarObject, ISerializable, 
Object    PDIObject    CalendarObject    VCalendar
IDisposable, ISerializable


The Version property determines whether it is a vCalendar or an iCalendar


VCalendar() Default constructor. Unless the version is changed, the object will conform to the iCalendar 2.0 specification.
VCalendar(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Deserialization constructor for use with ISerializable


CalendarScale This is used to get the Calendar Scale (CALSCALE) property
CustomProperties This is a catch-all that holds all unknown or extension properties
Events This is used to hold a set of event (VEVENT) objects associated with the calendar
FreeBusys This is used to hold a set of free/busy (VFREEBUSY) objects associated with the calendar
Journals This is used to hold a set of journal (VJOURNAL) objects associated with the calendar
Method This is used to get the method (METHOD) property
ProductId This is used to get the Product ID (PRODID) property
TimeZones This is used to hold a set of time zone (VTIMEZONE) objects associated with calendars
ToDos This is used to hold a set of to-do (VTODO) objects associated with the calendar
VCalendarDaylightRule This is used to get the vCalendar Daylight Saving Time rule (DAYLIGHT) property
VCalendarGeographicPosition This is used to get the vCalendar geographic position (GEO) property
VCalendarTimeZone This is used to get the vCalendar Time Zone (TZ) property
Version This is overridden to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it when the version is set on the item.
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
VersionsSupported This is used to establish the specification versions supported by the PDI object
(Overrides PDIObject.VersionsSupported)


ApplyTimeZone This is used to apply the selected time zone to all date/time objects in the component and convert them to the new time zone.
(Overrides CalendarObject.ApplyTimeZone(VTimeZone))
ClearProperties The method can be called to clear all current property values in the calendar. The version is left unchanged.
(Overrides CalendarObject.ClearProperties())
Clone() This is overridden to allow cloning of a PDI object
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone())
Clone(PDIObject) This is overridden to allow copying of the additional properties
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone(PDIObject))
Dispose() This implements the Dispose() interface to properly dispose of the calendar object
Dispose(Boolean) This can be overridden by derived classes to add their own disposal code if necessary
Equals This is overridden to allow proper comparison of calendar objects
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object))
Finalize This handles garbage collection to ensure proper disposal of the calendar if not done explicitly with Dispose().
(Overrides Object.Finalize())
GetHashCode Get a hash code for the calendar object
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode())
GetObjectData This implements the ISerializable interface and adds the appropriate members to the serialization info based on the calendar settings.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
LocalTimeToTimeZoneTime This method can be called to convert a date/time value from local time to the specified time zone time.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
PropagateVersion This is used to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it
(Overrides CalendarObject.PropagateVersion())
SetTimeZone This is used to set the selected time zone in all date/time objects in the component without modifying the date/time values.
(Overrides CalendarObject.SetTimeZone(VTimeZone))
TimeZonesUsed This is used to get a list of time zones used by all owned objects
(Overrides CalendarObject.TimeZonesUsed(StringCollection))
TimeZoneTimeInfo This method can be called to get daylight saving time and time zone name information for a specified date/time.
TimeZoneTimeToLocalTime This method can be called to convert a date/time value from the specified time zone time to local time.
TimeZoneTimeToUtc This method can be called to convert a date/time value from the specified time zone time to Universal Time (UTC).
TimeZoneToTimeZone This method can be called to convert a date/time value from one time zone time to the another time zone time.
ToString Convert the object instance to its string form
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
UpdateTimeZoneId This is used to replace an old time zone ID with a new time zone ID in all date/time objects in the calendar.
(Overrides CalendarObject.UpdateTimeZoneId(String, String))
UtcToTimeZoneTime This method can be called to convert a date/time value from Universal Time (UTC) to the specified time zone time.
WriteToStream(TextWriter) This can be used to write a calendar object to a PDI data stream
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
WriteToStream(TextWriter, StringBuilder) This can be used to write a calendar to a PDI data stream
(Overrides CalendarObject.WriteToStream(TextWriter, StringBuilder))

See Also