HolidayCollection.IsHoliday Method

This method returns true if the specified date falls on a holiday or false if it does not


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI (in EWSoftware.PDI.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public bool IsHoliday(
	DateTime date


date  DateTime
The date to check to see if it is a holiday defined in this collection

Return Value

Returns true if the date is a holiday in this collection, false if it is not


This example demonstrates the use of the holiday classes and their methods.
DateTime testDate;
int yearFrom = 1998, yearTo = 2006;

// Create a set of fixed and floating holidays
HolidayCollection holidays = new HolidayCollection();

holidays.AddFixed(1, 1, true, "New Year's Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.Third, DayOfWeek.Monday, 1, 0, "Martin Luther King Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.Third, DayOfWeek.Monday, 2, 0, "President's Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.Last, DayOfWeek.Monday, 5, 0, "Memorial Day");
holidays.AddFixed(7, 4, true, "Independence Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.First, DayOfWeek.Monday, 9, 0, "Labor Day");
holidays.AddFixed(11, 11, true, "Veteran's Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.Fourth, DayOfWeek.Thursday, 11, 0, "Thanksgiving Day");
holidays.AddFloating(DayOccurrence.Fourth, DayOfWeek.Thursday, 11, 1, "Day After Thanksgiving");
holidays.AddFixed(12, 25, true, "Christmas Day");

// Display the holidays added to the list
Console.WriteLine("Holidays on file.  Is Holiday should be true for all.");

foreach(Holiday hol in holidays)
    Console.WriteLine("Holiday Date: {0:d}   Is Holiday: {1}  Description: {2}",
        hol.ToDateTime(yearFrom), holidays.IsHoliday(hol.ToDateTime(yearFrom)),

// Display holidays found in each year specified using the IsHoliday method
Console.WriteLine("Looking for holidays using the IsHoliday method");

testDate = new DateTime(yearFrom, 1, 1);

while(testDate.Year <= yearTo)
        Console.WriteLine("Found holiday: {0:d}", testDate);

    testDate = testDate.AddDays(1);

// One more time, but use a hash set using the dates returned by the HolidaysBetween()
// method.  For bulk comparisons, this is faster than the above procedure using the
// IsHoliday method.
Console.WriteLine("Looking for holidays using HolidaysBetween");

var holidayDates = new HashSet<DateTime>(holidays.HolidaysBetween(yearFrom, yearTo));

if(holidayDates.Count != 0)
    testDate = new DateTime(yearFrom, 1, 1);

    while(testDate.Year <= yearTo)
            Console.WriteLine("Found holiday: {0:d} {1}", testDate,

        testDate = testDate.AddDays(1);

See Also