Add | Adds an object to the end of the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
AddFixed | Add a new holiday object to the collection that occurs on a fixed date |
AddFloating | Add a new holiday object to the collection that occurs on a floating date |
AddRange | Add a range of Holiday instances from an enumerable list |
AddStandardHolidays | This adds a standard set of United States holidays to the collection |
Clear | Removes all elements from the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
ClearItems | Removes all elements from the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
Contains | Determines whether an element is in the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
CopyTo | Copies the entire Collection<T> to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
HolidayDescription | This method returns a description if the specified date falls on a holiday or an empty string if it does not. |
HolidaysBetween | This method returns an enumerable list of holidays between the given years |
IndexOf | Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
Insert | Inserts an element into the Collection<T> at the specified index. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
InsertItem | Inserts an element into the Collection<T> at the specified index. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
IsHoliday | This method returns true if the specified date falls on a holiday or false if it does not |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
Remove | Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
RemoveAt | Removes the element at the specified index of the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
RemoveItem | Removes the element at the specified index of the Collection<T>. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
SetItem | Replaces the element at the specified index. (Inherited from Collection<Holiday>) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |