This topic describes the Combo Box controls and their features.
This control is derived from the standard .NET ComboBox control. The only differences are the addition of the auto-completion feature that selects items as you type and the data source indexer properties. Use this control when you want auto-completion but do not need the extra functionality of the other combo box classes such as multi-column drop-down support. To use it, simply drag the control from the toolbox, drop it on the form, and use the Properties window to adjust its settings.
The MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox are quite similar with regard to creation and usage. Simply drag the control from the toolbox, drop it on the form, and use the Properties window to adjust its settings. For simple lists, you can enter text strings in the designer by selecting the Items property and entering the values one per line in the collection editor. When items are added directly to the Items collection, the SortOrder property can be used to sort the items in ascending or descending order. The default sort order is None.
A simple ListItem object is supplied that can be used with an array list as the data source for the list controls. It contains a Display property for the display text and a Value property for the value of the item. The demo application contains examples of its use. A simple example is shown below:
ArrayList alRelevance = new ArrayList();
// Add list items to the array list containing a value and a description
alRelevance.Add(new ListItem(1, "Remote"));
alRelevance.Add(new ListItem(10, "Low"));
alRelevance.Add(new ListItem(30, "Medium"));
alRelevance.Add(new ListItem(80, "High"));
// Tell the combo box the value and display members and set the array list as the data source
cboMinRel.ValueMember = "Value";
cboMinRel.DisplayMember = "Display";
cboMinRel.DataSource = alRelevance;
Dim alRelevance As New ArrayList()
' Add list items to the array list containing a value and a description
alRelevance.Add(New ListItem(1, "Remote"))
alRelevance.Add(New ListItem(10, "Low"))
alRelevance.Add(New ListItem(30, "Medium"))
alRelevance.Add(New ListItem(80, "High"))
' Tell the combo box the value and display members and set the array list as the data source
cboMinRel.ValueMember = "Value"
cboMinRel.DisplayMember = "Display"
cboMinRel.DataSource = alRelevance
The controls also support the same complex data sources that any other standard .NET control can use (i.e. data sets, data views, data tables, arrays, etc). Assigning a more complex data source is done in a manner similar to the example above. You set the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties to members of the data source and then set the DataSource property to the complex data source (i.e. a data set, data view, etc). If assigning these three properties in code, always assign the DataSource property last to improve performance. This is true of all .NET controls as assigning a new display or value member forces the control to reevaluate its data source. By assigning the data source last, it will only have to evaluate the data source once.
The properties in the Appearance category can be used to alter the visual style of the control. To modify the drop-down style, its width, the default number of items to show, and the control-specific properties, see the options in the DropDown category. The control-specific properties are described in more detail in the sections below.
Both controls have an EnforceDefaultSelection property that allows you to specify whether a default selection will be set if an attempt is made to set the selected index to -1. In DropDownList mode, if this property is true (the default), a SelectedIndex of -1 (no selection) is not allowed. Instead, the index specified by the DefaultSelection property is used instead. For the DropDown and Simple modes, this property is ignored as values can be entered that are not in the list of valid items.
Once the drop-down has been displayed, it will retain the size and settings in effect until the form closes or properties are changed that force it to get recreated. If you need to force the drop-down portion to get reset, you can call the RefreshSubControls method. This destroys the current instance of the drop-down and causes it to get recreated the next time the drop-down is displayed.
Unlike the standard .NET list controls, all of the controls in the EWSoftware.ListControls namespace allow you to index their data source to extract values. This allows you to obtain the value of a field in the current selection or a field in any row even if it is not the selected item and regardless of whether or not the field is used as the display or value member.
// Get the vendor name from the current selection
string vendorName = (string)cboVendors["VendorName"];
// Get the item quantity from the sixth row
int itemQty = (int)cboItems[5, "ItemQty"];
' Get the vendor name from the current selection
Dim vendorName As String = CType(cboVendors("VendorName"), String)
' Get the item quantity from the sixth row
Dim itemQty As Integer = CType(cboItems(5, "ItemQty"), Integer)
The MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox contain a DrawImage property. If set to true, the controls will raise the DrawItemImage event so that you can draw an image to the left of the text value in the textbox portion of the control. The event receives a reference to the combo box and a DrawItemEventArgs object that defines the item and its state.
// Draw an image for the demo. They aren't representative of the items, they're just
// something to show.
private void cboMultiCol_DrawItemImage(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
if(e.Index == -1)
e.Graphics.DrawImage(ilImages.Images[e.Index % ilImages.Images.Count], e.Bounds);
' Draw an image for the demo. They aren't representative of the items, they're just
' something to show.
Private Sub cboMultiCol_DrawItemImage(sender As Object, e As DrawItemEventArgs) _
Handles cboMultiCol.DrawItemImage
If e.Index = -1 Then
e.Graphics.DrawImage(ilImages.Images(e.Index Mod ilImages.Images.Count), e.Bounds)
End If
End Sub
The MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox have a few differences in behavior compared to the standard .NET combo box control. These are mostly to fix bugs present in the standard combo box control and to add extra features not present in it. They are as follows:
You can bind almost any data source to the multi-column and user control combo boxes with the exception of non-value-type objects added directly to the Items collection. The workaround is to add the objects to an ArrayList and use that as the data source. Simple value types such as integers and strings can be added directly to the Items collection and displayed correctly. All other standard data source types such as data sets, data views, and data tables will work as expected.
A new OnCloseUp event is fired when the drop-down portion is closed. Note that unlike the standard Windows combo box, the SelectedIndexChanged event will always fire before the OnCloseUp event.
SelectionChangeCommitted is fired correctly when the drop-down portion is closed and the item was changed. A new SelectionChangeCanceled event is raised if the drop-down is closed without changing the selection. The correct event is always fired after the OnCloseUp event.
A new NotInList event is fired just prior to the Validating event if the text in the control does not match anything in the item list. This event gives you the opportunity to cancel the attempt to update the value or take some other action (i.e. add the value as a valid item, force it to a valid selection, etc).
The Text property of the combo box controls always returns whatever is in the text portion of the combo box. There is a bug in the standard combo box control that causes it to not work correctly if bound to a data source.
Setting the Text property of the combo box controls will correctly synchronize the SelectedIndex property with the new text. If the text is not found, the selected index is correctly set to -1. A bug in the standard combo box prevents this from happening.
Setting the SelectedIndex property to -1 in a data-bound combo box will always clear the selected item and the text. A bug in the standard combo box control causes this to fail occasionally.
In the standard combo box control, when the data source properties are modified, it will force the SelectedIndex property to the current position in the data source rather than keeping the default -1 (no selection) value. Many people consider this to be a bug but others consider it to be valid behavior.
For the MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox in DropDownList mode, the EnforceDefaultSelection property can be used to alter the behavior to suit your own preferences. For example, it may be considered valid to force a selection in this mode so that it contains a valid selection from the start. The property defaults to true which makes it work like the standard combo box control (the selection is always changed). If set to false and the current SelectedIndex value is -1 when a data source property changes, the "no selection" state (-1) is retained. In DropDown and Simple mode, the EnforceDefaultSelection property is ignored and the "no selection" state will be retained when the data source is changed. This is because those two modes do allow entry of text that does not appear in the list of values.
By default, the MultiColumnComboBox will display all columns from its data source with some default formatting. Any property in the data source with a Browsable(false) attribute will be omitted. Properties with a DisplayName attribute will set the header text to the given display name if column headers are shown in the dropdown. You can use the properties in the DropDown category to customize the appearance of the drop-down and the columns that are displayed in it. Another way to limit the columns displayed is to use the ColumnFilter property to let it know which columns should appear in the drop-down.
Note that even though a column filter is in place for the drop-down you can still access any field in the data source using the item indexer as shown earlier. You can set the filter at design-time by selecting the property and entering the column names to display one per line using the collection editor. You can also specify the column filter at runtime using code similar to the following:
// Limit the drop-down to the vendor name and contact name
cboVendor.ColumnFilter.AddRange(new[] { "VendorName", "Contact" });
' Limit the drop-down to the vendor name and contact name
cboVendor.ColumnFilter.AddRange(New String() { "VendorName", "Contact" })
For full control over the visual style of the columns you can use the FormatDropDownColumn event. When specifying column definitions using the event, setting their AutoSizeMode property to DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None will prevent the control from auto-resizing the column. If set to another value, the drop-down will size the column accordingly. If left as NotSet, it resizes them to the longest value in the data source for the column.
The UserControlComboBox is similar in nature to other combo box controls but it displays a user control that you create as its drop-down. This allows you to create drop-downs that use non-standard lists such as tree views, list views, or just about any other combination of controls that you can imagine. The drop-down will gain the focus when displayed so you can also put checkboxes, text boxes, buttons, and other controls in the drop-down as well.
For this combo box, the MaxDropDownItems property has no effect on the drop-down size. However, it is used to control how many items are skipped when you press page up or page down in the textbox portion of the control.
The drop-down control type cannot be set at design-time so it must be assigned using code. This is most often done in the form's constructor after the InitializeComponent method has been called. To do so, simply assign the drop-down control type to the DropDownControl property.
// TreeViewDropDown is a user control derived from DropDownControl
ucCombo.DropDownControl = typeof(TreeViewDropDown);
' TreeViewDropDown is a user control derived from DropDownControl
ucCombo.DropDownControl = GetType(TreeViewDropDown)
The UserControlComboBox exposes two events that you can use to customize the settings of the drop-down control before it is displayed. For example, you might need to hide certain controls in the drop-down based on a condition in the form containing the combo box. The DropDownControlCreated event is fired after the drop-down has been created but before it has been initialized. The DropDownControlInitialized event is fired after the drop-down has been created and initialized but just prior to it being displayed. The sender parameter will be a reference to the drop-down control.
// Hide the "exclude terminated" checkbox for this form
private void cboAssignTo_DropDownControlCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
EmployeeDropDown dd = (EmployeeDropDown)sender;
// This is a custom property on the drop-down user control
dd.ShowExcludeTerminated = false;
' Hide the "exclude terminated" checkbox for this form
Private Sub cboAssignTo_DropDownControlCreated(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles cboAssignTo.DropDownControlCreated
Dim dd As EmployeeDropDown = CType(sender, EmployeeDropDown)
' This is a custom property on the drop-down user control
dd.ShowExcludeTerminated = False
End Sub
The drop-down controls used by the UserControlComboBox are all derived from the supplied DropDownControl class. To create a new drop-down control, follow these steps:
Right click on the project in the Solution Explorer, select Add, Add User Control, enter a name for the new user control, and click Open to add it to the project.
Open the new user control in the designer and view the code for it.
Change the base class of the user control to EWSoftware.ListControls.DropDownControl.
public class TreeViewDropDown : EWSoftware.ListControls.DropDownControl
Public Class TreeViewDropDown
Inherits EWSoftware.ListControls.DropDownControl
Add controls to the template and any required event handlers for them as you would for any other user control. You can also define public properties and methods if necessary to let forms containing combo boxes utilizing the drop-down control make changes to it using the events described in the prior section.
More likely than not, you will need to override the InitializeDropdown method to populate the controls and obtain data from the combo box that owns the drop-down. The drop-down's ComboBox property can be used to obtain a reference to the UserControlComboBox that owns it. The demo application contains an example of this.
You can also override the ShowDropDown method if necessary to make adjustments to the drop-down just prior to it being displayed. For example, you might want to synchronize the item displayed in the drop-down with the current selected index in the combo box. The demo application contains an example of this.
Once the drop-down has been created, you can assign its type to the DropDownControl property of the UserControlComboBox as shown in the prior section.
The user can close the drop-down by hitting Escape or clicking outside of the drop-down just like a normal combo box. To cancel the selection process and close the drop-down from within your user control, you can set the combo box's DroppedDown property to false.
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.ComboBox.DroppedDown = false;
Private Sub btnCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles btnCancel.Click
Me.ComboBox.DroppedDown = False
End Sub
To commit a selection making it the selected item in the combo box and close the drop-down from within your user control, you can use the CommitSelection method. This method has two versions: one to commit the selection by index and another to commit the selection by value (the ValueMember value of an item).
private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The tree view node tag contains the item value
Private Sub btnSelect_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles btnSelect.Click
' The tree view node tag contains the item value
End Sub
Note that it is also possible to set the SelectedIndex property from within the user control to modify the selection (i.e. to track the selected item as you move through the nodes in a tree view control). The demo application contains an example of this.