ExtendedTreeView Control Tutorial

This topic describes the Extended Tree View control and its features.

General Information

The ExtendedTreeView control is a fully owner-drawn tree view control that overcomes some limitations in the way the default tree view is drawn. It also provides several additional features to make it easier to use than the standard tree view control. Below is a list of the additional features and differences:

  • The node background color draws all the way across the node, not just behind the text.

  • FullRowSelect works with ShowLines enabled.

  • Unthemed checkboxes do not have the thick black border and look like normal unthemed flat checkboxes.

  • The checkboxes are correctly vertically centered based on the item height.

  • Hot tracking works on nodes with their own font.

  • The tree view can be set to not draw the default images for nodes without an image. When it does not draw the default image, the text is flush left with no gap.

  • When using a state image list without checkboxes, a new ChangeStateImage event is raised when the image is clicked or the space bar is hit. This allows you to implement custom check states on the tree nodes by using different images for the various states.

  • The DrawNode event is suppressed. In its place two new events are raised that give better control over how the node is drawn. TreeNodeDrawing is raised prior to the node being drawn and lets you customize the default appearance. TreeNodeDrawn is raised after the node has been drawn and lets you customize the appearance of the fully drawn node.

  • When LabelEdit is true, hitting F2 initiates label editing on the selected node.

  • Ctrl+E can be used to expand all child nodes of the selected node. Ctrl+K can be used to collapse the selected node. Ctrl+Shift+E can be used to expand all nodes in the tree. Ctrl+Shift+K can be used to collapse all nodes in the tree.

  • The SelectOnRightOfLabelClick property allows you to specify whether or not a node is selected when the blank area to the right of its label is clicked.

  • The expando (+/-) images can be replaced with custom images.

  • The AllowCollapse property can be used to specify whether or not nodes can be collapsed when ShowPlusMinus is false.

  • The control implements IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T> so that you can enumerate all of its nodes recursively using a simple for/each loop. You can also use TreeNodeEnumerator to enumerate the nodes in one branch and, optionally, its subsequent siblings. This saves you from having to write recursive methods to handle child nodes.

  • The SyncParentChildCheckedState property can be set to true to ensure that the checked state of parent and child nodes is synchronized. If a child node is checked, all parent nodes are marked as checked too. If a parent is checked or unchecked, all child nodes are checked or unchecked as well. The checkbox on parent nodes with a mix of checked and unchecked children are drawn as a mixed checkbox to make them easy to pick out when collapsed.

  • An item indexer property is available to retrieve nodes from the tree view by node name including child nodes at any level.

  • Methods have been added to allow setting or getting the check state of a node by name as well as for checking and unchecking all nodes in the tree view.

  • The CheckedNodes property can be used to obtain a collection containing the current set of checked nodes.

Clearing The Tree Node Collection

Under certain circumstances, it is possible for the tree view to throw a null reference exception when clearing the tree node collection. This is caused by a redraw event that occurs as the tree nodes are cleared. The base tree view will only suspend redrawing if there are more than two hundred items. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell whether or not a node is in the process of being removed. As such, it may be necessary to manually suspend updates when calling the node collection's Clear method and resume updates afterwards. For example:

// Suspend updates while clearing the tree nodes

// Clear the nodes

// Resume updates
' Suspend updates while clearing the tree nodes

' Clear the nodes

' Resume updates

ExtendedTreeView Usage

The ExtendedTreeView is similar in nature to the standard TreeView control but is much more flexible as it allows better support for customizing its appearance and has more options for node retrieval and enumeration. It provides a set of properties and events similar to those of the TreeView. The extended tree view also provides the GetNodeChecked, GetNodeCheckedState, and SetNodeChecked methods to get or set the check state of nodes in the tree. Each method identifies the node by the name assigned to the node's Name property. If the SyncParentChildCheckedState property is set to true, the checked state of parent nodes is kept in synch with the child nodes. For example, if a child node is checked, all parent nodes are marked as checked too. If a parent is checked or unchecked, all child nodes are checked or unchecked as well. The checkbox on parent nodes with a mix of checked and unchecked children are drawn as a mixed checkbox to make them easy to pick out when collapsed.

// Get a list of IDs to mark as checked.  Each node's Name property will match one of the IDs
string[] ids = currentItems.Split(',');

// Turn off synchronization while setting the check states
tvMenu.SyncParentChildCheckedState = false;

// Check each named node
foreach(string id in ids)
    tvMenu.SetNodeChecked(id.Trim(), true);

// Turn check state synchronization back on
tvMenu.SyncParentChildCheckedState = true;
' Get a list of IDs to mark as checked.  Each node's Name property will match one of the IDs
Dim ids As String() = currentItems.Split(",")

' Turn off synchronization while setting the check states
tvMenu.SyncParentChildCheckedState = False

' Check each named node
For Each id in ids
    tvMenu.SetNodeChecked(id.Trim(), True)

' Turn check state synchronization back on
tvMenu.SyncParentChildCheckedState = True

If you assign a name to each node using its Name property, you can use the extended tree view's item indexer to retrieve the nodes. This will return the named node regardless of whether it is a root node or a child nested at any level within the tree.

// Set the named node's text
tvGroups["Folder2Book3Page5"].Text = "New Text Value";
// Set the named node's text
tvGroups("Folder2Book3Page5").Text = "New Text Value";

If the tree view's CheckBoxes property is set to true, the CheckedNodes property can be used to obtain a collection that contains the actual nodes in the tree that have a check state of Checked or Mixed. This collection has some helper methods that you will find useful.




This method can be used to get the check state of the node in the collection.


This method can be used to determine whether or not the collection contains a node with the specified name.


This method returns the checked nodes' names in a comma-separated list.


This method returns the checked nodes' text values in a comma-separated list.

CheckedNodesCollection checkedNodes = tvGroups.CheckedNodes;

// Display the check state of each checked node
for(int idx = 0; idx < checkedNodes.Count; idx++)

// See if the collection contains a node named "Folder1Book2Page5"

// Get the checked node names into a string ready to store in a database field
string groupNames = checkedNodes.ToNameString();

// Show the node text values in a message box
MessageBox.Show("You chose: " + checkedNodes.ToTextValueString());
Dim idx As Integer
Dim checkedNodes As CheckedNodesCollection = tvGroups.CheckedNodes

' Display the check state of each checked node
For idx = 0 To checkedNodes.Count
Next idx

' See if the collection contains a node named "Folder1Book2Page5"

' Get the checked node names into a string ready to store in a database field
Dim groupNames As String = checkedNodes.ToNameString()

' Show the node text values in a message box
MessageBox.Show("You chose: " & checkedNodes.ToTextValueString())

Node Enumeration

One of the most useful features of the extended tree view is its support for node enumeration. With a simple for/each loop, you can enumerate all nodes in the tree view including all child nodes to however deep they are nested. This saves you from having to write recursive functions to handle child node collections.

When enumerating the entire tree, enumeration starts at the first root node. If it has children, they are enumerated. As each is enumerated, if they have children, they are enumerated as well. This process repeats until all nodes have been enumerated.

C# - Enumerate the entire tree
txtEnumResults.Text = null;

// Use foreach() on the ExtendedTreeView control itself to
// enumerate all of its nodes recursively.
foreach(TreeNode node in tvExtTree)
    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"{new String(' ', node.Level * 4)}{node.Text}\r\n");
VB.NET - Enumerate the entire tree
Dim node As TreeNode
txtEnumResults.Text = Nothing

' Use For Each on the ExtendedTreeView control itself to enumerate all of its nodes recursively
For Each node in tvExtTree
    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"{New String(" "C, node.Level * 4)}{node.Text}" & Environment.NewLine)

You can also use the TreeNodeEnumerator directly to enumerate a single branch of the tree and all of its children. The option is also given to enumerate all subsequent sibling nodes of the starting node if so desired.

C# - Enumerate starting at a selected node
bool enumerateSiblings = (sender == btnEnumNodeSibs);
TreeNode node, startNode = tvExtTree.SelectedNode;

if(startNode == null)
    txtEnumResults.Text = "Select a starting node first";

txtEnumResults.Text = null;

// For this, we create the enumerator manually and pass it
// the starting node and a flag indicating whether or not
// to enumerate the siblings of the starting node as well.
TreeNodeEnumerator enumerator = new(startNode, enumerateSiblings);

// Call the MoveNext() method to move through each node.  Use the
// Current property to access the current node.
    node = enumerator.Current!;

    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"Manual Enum: {new String(' ', node.Level * 4)}{node.Text}\r\n");


// We can also use the helper method to simplify it
foreach(TreeNode tn in TreeNodeEnumerator.Enumerate(startNode, enumerateSiblings))
    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"Enum Helper: {new String(' ', tn.Level * 4)}{tn.Text}\r\n");
VB.NET - Enumerate starting at a selected node
Dim enumerateSiblings As Boolean = False
Dim node As TreeNode
Dim startNode As TreeNode = tvExtTree.SelectedNode

If sender Is btnEnumNodeSibs Then
    enumerateSiblings = True
End If

If startNode Is Nothing Then
    txtEnumResults.Text = "Select a starting node first"
End If

txtEnumResults.Text = Nothing

' For this, we create the enumerator manually and pass it the starting
' node and a flag indicating whether or not to enumerate the siblings
' of the starting node as well.
Dim enumerator As New TreeNodeEnumerator(startNode, enumerateSiblings)

' Call the MoveNext() method to move through each node.  Use the Current
' property to access the current node.
Do While enumerator.MoveNext()
    node = enumerator.Current

    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"Manual Enum: {New String(" "C, node.Level * 4)}{node.Text}" &

txtEnumResults.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine)

' We can also use the helper method to simplify it
For Each node In TreeNodeEnumerator.Enumerate(startNode, enumerateSiblings)
    txtEnumResults.AppendText($"Enum Helper: {New String(" "C, node.Level * 4)}{node.Text}" &

Customizing the Tree View's Appearance

The following additional properties allow you to customize the tree view's appearance without having to handle the drawing events.




This property is used to set or get whether or not the tree view will draw default images for tree nodes without images. If not drawn, the node text is drawn flush left with no gap. The default setting is true to match the standard tree view control.


This property is used to set or get the expando image list used to show the +/- images when the ShowPlusMinus property is set to true. See the property help for information on how to set up the image list.


This is used to set or get whether or not to use the themed versions of the expando and checkbox images even when themes are not being used. The default is false and the images are based on the system's current visual style setting.

To further customize the tree view's appearance you can handle the TreeNodeDrawing and/or TreeNodeDrawn events. Each event receives a DrawTreeNodeExtendedEventArgs instance that contains drawing state information for the node. The TreeNodeDrawing event occurs prior to the node being drawn. In your event handler, you can choose to alter the various properties of the event arguments object and let the tree view draw the node based on your changes or you can choose to draw the node yourself and suppress the default drawing of one or more parts of the node. The TreeNodeDrawn event occurs after the node has been fully drawn and allows you to customize its appearance after all other drawing has taken place.

See the DrawTreeNodeExtendedEventArgs property help topics for information on what each of them does. The demo application supplied with the library contains a simple example of handling each event.

See Also

Other Resources