This element is used to indicate that a multi-line section of text should be formatted as a code
This inline block element can be used within any other element.
<code language="languageId"
[title="Optional title"]
[source="externalCodeFile" [region="importRegion"] [removeRegionMarkers="true | false"]]
[numberLines="true | false"]
[outlining="true | false"]
[keepSeeTags="true | false"]>
/// Code to display
Use this element to mark a multi-line block of text as code. Use the
c element to mark inline text as code.
The language and title attributes are supported
by Sandcastle. All other attributes are implemented by the Code Block Component
supplied with the Sandcastle Help File Builder. Refer to its help file for more information about the build component.
If you want to include XML or other unencoded information you can do one of the following:
Utilize the source attribute to read it in from an external file instead.
Use a CDATA section to encapsulate the code so that special characters
and formatting are preserved. For example:
Be sure to start the example code on a new line after the opening "<![CDATA["
tag as shown so that the leading whitespace can be normalized correctly.
The following attributes can be used to control how the code block is handled.
This attribute allows you to define the code language. Although optional, it is recommended
that you always specify a language attribute if using Sandcastle alone. Many of the presentation styles rely on
the language attribute to classify the code block and handle it in some way such as attaching it to a language
filter or grouping it with like code blocks based on the syntax filters selected in the project. The Sandcastle
Help File Builder's code block component will apply a default language if one is not specified. The possible
language values are as follows:
Language ID (case-insensitive) | Language Syntax Used |
cs, C#, CSharp | C# |
cpp, cpp#, C++, CPlusPlus | C++ |
c | C |
fs, f#, FSharp, fscript | F# |
EcmaScript, js, JavaScript | JavaScript |
jscript, jscript#, jscriptnet, JScript.NET | JScript.NET |
VB, VB#, vbnet, VB.NET | VB/VB.NET |
vbs, vbscript | VBScript |
htm, html, xml, xsl | XML |
jsharp, J# | J# |
sql, sql server, sqlserver | SQL script |
py, python | Python |
pshell, powershell, ps1 | PowerShell script |
bat, batch | batch file script |
Anything else (i.e. "none") | No language, no special handling. |
The full name "language" should be used for the attribute name rather
than the abbreviated form "lang". The reason is that the transformations used by
the presentation styles expect the full name when they search for the language attribute. The abbreviated form
is a legacy syntax that should be avoided. The code block component will auto-correct the attribute name so that
it is not missed by the transformations.
It is recommended that you always specify a language attribute.
This attribute allows you to add a title that appears before the code block. An example of its
use would be to label the example with a description. If omitted, the language name will appear for the title.
If you do not want a title on a particular block, set the title attribute to a single
space (" ").
These three attributes are extensions implemented by the code block build component. The
source attribute is used to specify that the code block's content should be read from an
external source code file. If used alone, the entire file is imported. The optional region
attribute can be used to limit the code to a specific section of the file delimited with the named
#region (#pragma region for C++). The
#region and #endregion tags are excluded from the extracted
section of code.
This is not to be confused with the XML comments include element.
This extension is intended to extract code from actual source files. This allows you to manage your code
examples in buildable projects to test them for correctness as a project is developed and altered in the future.
It also saves you from managing the code in the XML comments and does not require that the code be HTML encoded
as it is when written in the comments. The code will be HTML encoded when it is read in for processing. When
used, it is assumed that there is no code within the code element itself and thus it will always be self-closing.
Here are some examples:
Retrieve all code from an external file and use the VB.NET syntax to color it. The path is
relative to the code block component's basePath configuration element. Typically, the
base path is the path of the documentation project file. So, if your documentation project is in a subfolder and
the code is in the parent folder in an Examples subfolder, the path would look like the
following example.
<code source="..\Examples\WholeDemo.vb" language="vbnet" />
Retrieve a specific #region from an external file.
<code source="..\Examples\SeveralExamples.vb"
region="Example 1" language="vbnet" title="Example #1" />
Note that VB.NET does not allow #Region and #End Region
within a method body. Other file types such as XML, XAML, and SQL script do not understand #region
statements. However, if you want to extract a region from a VB.NET method body or a section of another file
type, you can add the region statements in comments to workaround the limitation. The component will still find
it and extract the region.
VB.NET Example
Public Sub SomeMethod()
' #Region "VB.NET Snippet"
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 10
Next x
' #End Region
End Sub
XAML Example
<Style x:Key="SpecialButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<!-- #region XAML Snippet -->
<Trigger Property="Button.IsMouseOver" Value="true">
<Setter Property = "Background" Value="Red"/>
<!-- #endregion -->
SQL Example
-- #region SQL snippet
Select *
From tblName
Where LastName = 'SMITH'
-- #endregion
/* #region Another snippet */
Select *
From tblName
Where FirstName = 'JOHN'
/* #endregion */
The removeRegionMarkers attribute can be used to specify whether or
not region markers within the imported code file or region are removed. If not specified or set to false, any
nested region markers are left in the imported code block. If specified and set to true, nested region markers
are removed from the imported code. This is useful for removing nested region markers from larger code samples
that contain smaller snippets of code used in other examples. The default setting (false) can be overridden via
the component configuration.
When the code blocks are formatted by the build component, tab characters are replaced with a
set number of spaces to preserve formatting. This attribute can be used to override the default setting for a
language which is specified in the syntax file. For example, if the default tab size for a language is four, adding
tabSize="8" will force it to use eight spaces instead. If set to zero, the syntax file
setting is used. This attribute sets the default tab size for unknown languages when used in the component's
This attribute allows you to override the default setting in the component's configuration.
For example, if the default setting is false to turn off line numbering, you can add
numberLines="true" to enable numbering on a specific code example.
This attribute allows you to override the default setting in the component's configuration.
For example, if the default setting is false to not add collapsible regions, you can add
outlining="true" to enable collapsible regions on a specific code example. Note that if
a code block contains no #region or #if blocks, outlining is
automatically disabled and it will not reserve space in the margin for the markers.
When set to true, this attribute allows you to tell the build component's code colorizer to
preserve see tags within the code so that they can be rendered as clickable links to the
related topic. If set to false, the default, any see tags within the code will be
colorized and passed through as literal text. When using this option, you may find that you need to specify
inner text for the see tag so that the link text appears as you want it. If the
self-closing version of the tag is used, Sandcastle will generally set the link text to the name of the item plus
any parameters if it is a generic type or takes parameters which may not be appropriate within a code sample.
You can import multiple code snippets into one common colorized code block by nesting
code elements within a parent code element. On nested
code elements, only the source and region
attributes will be utilized. All other attributes that control colorization of the merged code block will be
retrieved from the parent code element.
<code title="Nested code elements example" language="VB.NET">
<code source="..\Class1.vb" region="Snippet #1" />
<code source="..\Class1.vb" region="Snippet #2" />
Literal code can also be mixed in between the nested code elements.
However, there are some limitations. All elements and literal code should be flush left within the parent
code element or you will end up with additional spaces before the first line of each
nested code element. There may still be additional spaces before the literal code.
This is caused by the indentation included when the XML comments file is created by the compiler. If this is a
problem, move the example to an include file and remove the excess leading whitespace. Use an
include element to bring it into the XML comments. When done this way, the compiler
preserves the spacing when writing the example out to the XML comments file.
<code title="Nested code elements example" language="VB.NET">
<code source="..\Class1.vb" region="Snippet #1" />
' ... Some stuff happens here ...
<code source="..\Class1.vb" region="Snippet #2" />
public int GetRandomNumber()
return new Random(this.SampleNumber).Next();