SandcastleBuilder.Utils.ConceptualContent Namespace

This namespace contains classes related to conceptual content items.


CodeEntityReference This represents a conceptual content CodeEntityReference that can be used to insert a common item, value, or construct into topics.
CodeReference This represents a conceptual content CodeReference that can be used to insert a common item, value, or construct into topics.
ConceptualContentSettings This class is used to hold the conceptual content settings for a project during a build
ContentFile This represents a content file such as a token file, code snippet file, image, etc.
ImageReference This represents a conceptual content image that can be used to insert a reference to an image in a topic
ResourceItem This represents a Sandcastle transformation resource item that can be used to insert a common item, value, or construct into generated topics.
TocEntry This represents a table of contents entry. This is used to build the table of contents entries for content layout and site map files.
TocEntryCollection This collection class is used to hold the table of contents entries for content layout and site map files
Token This represents a conceptual content token that can be used to insert a common item, value, or construct into topics.
TokenCollection This collection class is used to hold the conceptual content tokens for an associated token file.
Topic This represents a conceptual content topic
TopicCollection This collection class is used to hold the conceptual content topics for a project
TopicFile This class represents a conceptual content topic file


IContentFileProvider This interface is implemented to provide content files from a help file builder project or some other source.
ITableOfContents This interface is used to interact with project files that can generate table of contents entries


ApiParentMode This public enumerated type defines the API parent mode for a conceptual topic.