TopicCollection Class

This collection class is used to hold the conceptual content topics for a project


Namespace: SandcastleBuilder.Utils.ConceptualContent
Assembly: SandcastleBuilder.Utils (in SandcastleBuilder.Utils.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public class TopicCollection : BindingList<Topic>, 
Object    Collection<Topic>    BindingList<Topic>    TopicCollection


TopicCollection Constructor


AllowEditGets or sets a value indicating whether items in the list can be edited.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
AllowNewGets or sets a value indicating whether you can add items to the list using the AddNew() method.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
AllowRemoveGets or sets a value indicating whether you can remove items from the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ApiContentInsertionPoint This is used to get the topic at which the API table of contents is to be inserted or parented
ContentLayoutFile This is used to get the content layout file metadata
CountGets the number of elements actually contained in the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
DefaultTopic This is used to get the default topic
IsSortedCoreGets a value indicating whether the list is sorted.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
Item[Int32]Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
Item[String] This can be used to get a topic by its unique ID (case-insensitive)
ItemsGets a IList<T> wrapper around the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
MSHVRootContentContainer This is used to get the topic that will serve as the root content container in MS Help Viewer output
RaiseListChangedEventsGets or sets a value indicating whether adding or removing items within the list raises ListChanged events.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
SortDirectionCoreGets the direction the list is sorted.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
SortPropertyCoreGets the property descriptor that is used for sorting the list if sorting is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
SupportsChangeNotificationCoreGets a value indicating whether ListChanged events are enabled.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
SupportsSearchingCoreGets a value indicating whether the list supports searching.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
SupportsSortingCoreGets a value indicating whether the list supports sorting.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)


AddAdds an object to the end of the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
AddNewAdds a new item to the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
AddNewCoreAdds a new item to the end of the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
AddTopicsFromFolder Add all topics from the specified folder recursively to the collection and to the given project file
All This is used to enumerate all topics recursively
ApplySortCoreSorts the items if overridden in a derived class; otherwise, throws a NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
CancelNewDiscards a pending new item.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ClearRemoves all elements from the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
ClearItemsRemoves all elements from the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ContainsDetermines whether an element is in the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
CopyToCopies the entire Collection<T> to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
EndNewCommits a pending new item to the collection.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Find This is used to find all topics and sub-topics that match the specified predicate recursively
FindCoreSearches for the index of the item that has the specified property descriptor with the specified value, if searching is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, a NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
GenerateConceptualTopics This creates copies of the conceptual topic files in the build process's working folder
GenerateTableOfContents Generate the table of contents for the conceptual topics
GetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
IndexOfSearches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
InsertInserts an element into the Collection<T> at the specified index.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
InsertItem This is overridden to set the inserted item's parent to this collection
(Overrides BindingList<T>.InsertItem(Int32, T))
Load Load the collection from the related file
MatchProjectFilesToTopics This gets all possible content files from the project and attempts to match them to the topics in the collection by ID.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnAddingNewRaises the AddingNew event.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
OnListChangedRaises the ListChanged event.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
RemoveRemoves the first occurrence of a specific object from the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
RemoveAtRemoves the element at the specified index of the Collection<T>.
(Inherited from Collection<Topic>)
RemoveItem This is overridden to clear the parent on the removed item
(Overrides BindingList<T>.RemoveItem(Int32))
RemoveSortCoreRemoves any sort applied with ApplySortCore(PropertyDescriptor, ListSortDirection) if sorting is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, raises NotSupportedException.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ResetBindingsRaises a ListChanged event of type Reset.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ResetItemRaises a ListChanged event of type ItemChanged for the item at the specified position.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
Save Save the topic collection to the related content layout file
SetItem This is overridden to set the inserted item's parent to this collection
(Overrides BindingList<T>.SetItem(Int32, T))
Sort This is used to sort the collection
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)


AddingNewOccurs before an item is added to the list.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)
ListChangedOccurs when the list or an item in the list changes.
(Inherited from BindingList<Topic>)

See Also