public sealed class SandcastleProject : IBasePathProvider,
IContentFileProvider, IDisposable
Public NotInheritable Class SandcastleProject
Implements IBasePathProvider, IContentFileProvider, IDisposable
public ref class SandcastleProject sealed : IBasePathProvider,
IContentFileProvider, IDisposable
type SandcastleProject =
interface IBasePathProvider
interface IContentFileProvider
interface IDisposable
SandcastleProject(Project) | This is used to create a Sandcastle Builder project from an existing MSBuild project instance |
SandcastleProject(String, Boolean, Boolean) | Load a Sandcastle Builder project from the given filename |
ApiFilter | This read-only property is used to get the API filter |
AppendMarkdownFileExtensionsToUrls | This read-only property is used to get whether or not to append ".md" extensions to topic URLs |
AutoDocumentConstructors | This read-only property is used to get whether or not constructors are automatically documented if they are missing the <summary> tag and for classes with compiler generated constructors. |
AutoDocumentDisposeMethods | This read-only property is used to get whether or not dispose methods are automatically documented if they are missing the <summary> tag and for classes with compiler generated dispose methods. |
BasePath | This read-only property returns the base path |
BinaryTOC | This read-only property is used to get whether or not to create a binary table of contents in Help 1 files. |
BuildAssemblerVerbosity | This read-only property is used to get the build assembler tool verbosity level |
BuildLogFile | This read-only property is used to get the path and filename of the build log file |
CatalogName | This read-only property is used to get a non-standard MS Help Viewer 2.x content catalog name |
CatalogProductId | This read-only property is used to get the Product ID portion of the MS Help Viewer 1.0 Catalog ID |
CatalogVersion | This read-only property is used to get the Version portion of the MS Help Viewer 1.0 Catalog ID |
CleanIntermediates | This property is used to get or set whether intermediate files are deleted after a successful build |
ComponentConfigurations | This read-only property is used to get a dictionary of build component configurations |
ComponentPath | This property is used to get or set the path to a folder containing additional, project-specific build components. |
ComponentSearchPaths | This read-only property returns an enumerable list of folders to search for additional build components, plug-ins, presentation styles, and syntax generators. |
Configuration | This is used to get or set the configuration to use when building the project |
ContentPlacement | This read-only property is used to get the placement of any additional and conceptual content items in the table of contents. |
CopyrightHref | This read-only property is used to get the URL to use as the link for the copyright notice |
CopyrightText | This read-only property is used to get the copyright notice that appears in the footer of each page |
DecodedCopyrightText | This read-only property is used to get the copyright notice that appears in the footer of each page with any hex value place holders replaced with their actual character. |
DisableCodeBlockComponent | This read-only property is used to get whether or not to disable the custom Code Block Component so that <code> elements are rendered in their standard format by the Sandcastle XSL transformations. |
DocumentationSources | This read-only property returns an enumerable list of documentation sources to use in building the help file. |
DocumentAttributes | This read-only property is used to get whether or not attributes on types and members are documented in the syntax portion of the help file. |
DocumentEditorBrowsableNever | This read-only property is used to get whether or not members marked with an EditorBrowsableAttribute set to Never are documented. |
DocumentExplicitInterfaceImplementations | This read-only property is used to get whether or not explicit interface implementations are documented. |
DocumentInheritedFrameworkInternalMembers | This read-only property is used to get whether or not inherited internal framework members are documented. |
DocumentInheritedFrameworkMembers | This read-only property is used to get whether or not inherited framework members are documented |
DocumentInheritedFrameworkPrivateMembers | This read-only property is used to get whether or not inherited private framework members are documented. |
DocumentInheritedMembers | This read-only property is used to get whether or not inherited members are documented |
DocumentInternalAndPrivateIfExternal | This read-only property is used to get whether or not internal members of base types in other assemblies and private members in base types are documented. |
DocumentInternals | This read-only property is used to get whether or not internal members are documented in the help file. |
DocumentNonBrowsable | This read-only property is used to get whether or not members marked with a BrowsableAttribute set to False are documented. |
DocumentNoPIATypes | This read-only property is used to get whether or not no-PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) embedded interop types are documented in the help file. |
DocumentPrivateFields | This read-only property is used to get or set whether or not private fields are documented in the help file. |
DocumentPrivates | This read-only property is used to get whether or not private members are documented in the help file |
DocumentProtected | This read-only property is used to get whether or not protected members are documented in the help file. |
DocumentProtectedInternalAsProtected | This read-only property is used to get whether or not "protected internal" members are documented as "protected" only in the help file. |
DocumentPublicCompilerGenerated | This read-only property is used to get whether or not public compiler generated types and members are documented in the help file. |
DocumentSealedProtected | This read-only property is used to get whether or not protected members of sealed classes are documented in the help file. |
FeedbackEMailAddress | This read-only property is used to get the feedback e-mail address that appears in the footer of each page. |
FeedbackEMailLinkText | This read-only property is used to get the feedback e-mail link text that appears in the feedback e-mail link in the footer of each page. |
FileItems | This returns an enumerable list of all build items in the project that represent folders and files |
Filename | This read-only property is used to get the filename for the project |
FooterText | This read-only property is used to get additional text that should appear in the footer of every page |
FrameworkVersion | This is used to get or set the .NET Framework version used to resolve references to system types (basic .NET Framework, Silverlight, Portable, etc.). |
HeaderText | This read-only property is used to get additional text that should appear in the header of every page |
HelpFileFormat | This read-only property is used to get the help file format generated by the build process |
HelpFileVersion | This read-only property is used to get the version number applied to the help file |
HelpTitle | This read-only property is used to get or set the help file's title |
HtmlHelp1xCompilerPath | This property is used to get or set the path to the HTML Help 1 compiler (HHC.EXE) |
HtmlHelpName | This read-only property is used to get the name of the compiled help file |
HtmlSdkLinkType | This read-only property is used to get the type of links used to reference other help topics referring to framework (SDK) help topics in HTML Help 1 help files. |
ImagesReferences | This read-only property returns an enumerable list of image references contained in the project |
IncludeFavorites | This read-only property is used to get whether or not a Favorites tab will appear in the help file |
IndentHtml | This read-only property is used to get whether or not the HTML rendered by BuildAssembler is indented. |
IsDirty | This is used to get the dirty state of the project |
KeepLogFile | This property is used to get or set whether or not the log file is retained after a successful build |
Language | This read-only property is used to get the language option for the help file and to determine which set of presentation resource files to use. |
LogFileLocation | This read-only property is used to get the build log file location |
MaximumGroupParts | This read-only property is used to get the maximum number of namespace parts to consider when namespace grouping is enabled. |
MissingTags | This read-only helper property returns the flags to use when looking for missing tags |
MSBuildOutDir | This is used to get or set the MSBuild OutDir property value that is defined when using Team Build. |
MSBuildProject | This read-only property is used to get the underlying MSBuild project |
MSHelpViewerSdkLinkType | This read-only property is used to get the type of links used to reference other help topics referring to framework (SDK) help topics in MS Help Viewer help files. |
NamespaceGrouping | This read-only property is used to get whether namespace grouping is enabled. The presentation style must have support for namespace grouping in order for the feature to work. |
NamespaceSummaries | This read-only property returns the list of namespace summaries |
NamingMethod | This read-only property is used to get the naming method used to generate the help topic filenames |
OutputPath | This property is used to get or set the path to which the help files will be generated |
Platform | This is used to get or set the platform to use when building the project |
PlugInConfigurations | This read-only property is used to get a dictionary of build process plug-in configurations |
Preliminary | This read-only property is used to get whether or not all pages should be marked with a "preliminary documentation" warning in the page header. |
PresentationStyle | This read-only property is used to get the presentation style for the help topic pages |
ProductTitle | This read-only property is used to get the product title for the help viewer file |
ProjectSummary | This read-only property is used to get the project summary comments |
RestrictedProperties | This returns a collection of restricted property names that cannot be used for user-defined property names. |
RootNamespaceContainer | This read-only property is used to get whether or not a root namespace entry is added to the table of contents to act as a container for the namespaces from the documented assemblies. |
RootNamespaceTitle | This read-only property is used to get an alternate title for the root namespaces page and the root table of contents container that appears when RootNamespaceContainer is set to true. |
SaveComponentCacheCapacity | This read-only property is used to get the build assembler Save Component writer task cache capacity |
SdkLinkTarget | This read-only property is used to get the target window for external SDK links |
SearchResultsDisplayVersion | This is used to get or set the display version shown below entries in the search results pane in the help viewer application. |
ShowMissingIncludeTargets | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <include> tag target documentation is indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingNamespaces | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing namespace comments are indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingParams | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <param> tags are indicated in the help file |
ShowMissingRemarks | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <remarks> tags are indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingReturns | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <returns> tags are indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingSummaries | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <summary> tags are indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingTypeParams | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <typeparam> tags on generic types and methods are indicated in the help file. |
ShowMissingValues | This read-only property is used to get whether or not missing <value> tags are indicated in the help file. |
SourceCodeBasePath | This property is used to get or set the base path used to locate source code for the documented assemblies. |
SyntaxFilters | This read-only property is used to get the language filters which determines which languages appear in the Syntax section of the help topics. |
TocOrder | This read-only property is used to get the sort order for conceptual content so that it appears within its parent in the correct position. |
TocParentId | This read-only property is used to get the table of contents parent for each root topic in the help file. |
TocParentVersion | This read-only property is used to get the topic version of the TocParentId topic |
TopicVersion | This read-only property is used to get the topic version for each topic in the help file |
TransformComponentArguments | This returns an enumerable list of transform component arguments |
UserDefinedProperties | This read-only property returns an enumerable list of all user-defined properties |
UsingFinalValues | This read-only property is used to get whether or not the project is using final values for the project properties. |
VendorName | This read-only property is used to get the vendor name for the help viewer file |
VisibleItems | This read-only helper property returns the flags used to indicate which optional items to document |
WarnOnMissingSourceContext | This is used to get or set whether or not to issue a warning if a source code context could not be determined for a type. |
WebsiteAdContent | This read-only property is used to get the ad content to place in each page in the website help file format. |
WebsiteSdkLinkType | This read-only property is used to get the type of links used to reference other help topics referring to framework (SDK) help topics in HTML Help 1 help files. |
WorkingPath | This is used to get or set the path to the working folder used during the build process to store the intermediate files. |
AddFileToProject | Add a new file build item to the project |
AddFolderToProject | Add a new folder build item to the project |
ContentFiles | This returns an enumerable list of content files of the given type contained in the project or some other source. |
DefaultBuildAction | This is used to determine the default build action for a file based on its extension |
Dispose | This properly disposes of the Sandcastle project |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize |
This handles garbage collection to ensure proper disposal of the Sandcastle project if not done
explicitly with Dispose().
(Overrides Object.Finalize()) |
FindFile | This is used to locate a file by name in the project |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
HasItems | This returns true if the project contains items using the given build action |
IsValidUserDefinedPropertyName | This is used to determine whether or not the given name can be used for a user-defined project property. |
RefreshProjectProperties | This refreshes the project instance property values by reloading them from the underlying MSBuild project. |
ReplacementValueFor | This is used by the replacement tag handler to get simple project property values that require no other modification or simple ones that can be handled here. |
ResolvePath | This method resolves any MSBuild environment variables in the path objects |
SaveProject | This is used to save the project file |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
DefaultConfiguration | The default configuration |
DefaultPlatform | The default platform |
SchemaVersion | The schema version used in the saved project files |