NamingMethod Enumeration

This public enumerated type defines the naming method to use for the help topic filenames


Namespace: SandcastleBuilder.Utils
Assembly: SandcastleBuilder.Utils (in SandcastleBuilder.Utils.dll) Version: 2024.2.18.0
public enum NamingMethod


Guid0Use the default GUID file naming method (actually an MD5 hash of the member ID in GUID form).
MemberName1Use the member name without parameters as the filename. The characters ":", ".", "#", and "`" in the name are replaced with an underscore (i.e. T:CustomType becomes T_CustomType, M:CustomType.#ctor becomes M_CustomType__ctor, P:CustomType.Property becomes P:CustomType_Property, etc). Duplicate names will have an incrementing value appended to the end of the name (i.e. M_CustomType_Method, M_CustomType.Method_1, M_CustomType_Method_2, etc).
HashedMemberName2Use the hashed member name without parameters as the filename. No character replacements are made for this option and the GetHashCode method is used to generate the hash value and it is formatted as a hex value. This is useful for extremely long type names that cause the filename to exceed the maximum length when the full path is included. Duplicate names will have an incrementing value appended to the name prior to creating the hash value as needed.

See Also