RecurringObject Properties


ExceptionDates This is used to get the Exception Date (EXDATE) properties. There may be more than one.
ExceptionRules This is used to get the Exception Rule (EXRULE) properties. There may be more than one.
ExcludeStartDateTime This property can be used to override the specification and exclude the start date/time if it is not generated by one of the recurrence rule or recurrence date properties.
InstanceDuration This must be implemented to return the duration for the recurring instances
IsRecurring This can be used to see if an item has recurrence information
RecurDates This is used to get the Recur Date (RDATE) properties. There may be more than one.
RecurrenceRules This is used to get the Recurrence Rule (RRULE) properties. There may be more than one.
StartDateTime This must be implemented to return the start date/time property that is used to determine when the first instance occurs.
TimeZoneId This must be implemented to return the time zone ID for the start date
Version This is overridden to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it when the version is set on the item.
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
VersionsSupported All objects derived from this class must implement this to indicate the specification versions with which they can be used.
(Inherited from PDIObject)

See Also