Duration Structure

This class adds support to TimeSpan for handling ISO 8601 duration values. Since it cannot derive from it, the class contains a TimeSpan instance and allows modifications to it through additional methods and properties.


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI (in EWSoftware.PDI.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public struct Duration : IComparable
Object    ValueType    Duration


Since durations can specify a number of weeks, months, and/or years, additional properties and methods are available to support those options. Methods are also present that can convert an ISO 8601 formatted string to a duration object and back to a string.

Since the definition of a month and year varies, the class allows the specification of the length of time in days for a month and a year. By default, it uses 30 days for a month, and 365 days for a year. To guarantee a consistent definition of a duration, you can limit the maximum units to weeks when converting the duration to a string.


Duration(Int64) Construct a duration from a number of timer ticks
Duration(String) Construct a duration from a string in ISO 8601 duration format
Duration(TimeSpan) Construct a duration from a TimeSpan
Duration(Int32, TimeSpan) Construct a duration from a number of weeks and a TimeSpan
Duration(Int32, Int32, TimeSpan) Construct a duration from a number of months, weeks, and a TimeSpan
Duration(Int32, Int32, Int32, TimeSpan) Construct a duration from a number of years, months, weeks, and a TimeSpan


Days Gets the number of whole days represented by this instance
DaysInOneMonth This property is used to set or get the number of days in one month
DaysInOneYear This property is used to set or get the number of days in one year
Months Gets the number of whole months represented by this instance
Ticks This allows the underlying time span (and thus the duration) to be serialized and deserialized
TicksPerMonth This returns the number of timer ticks in one month based on the current setting of DaysInOneMonth.
TicksPerYear This returns the number of timer ticks in one year based on the current setting of DaysInOneYear.
TimeSpan This allows access to the underlying TimeSpan object
TotalMonths Gets the value of this instance expressed in whole and fractional months
TotalWeeks Gets the value of this instance expressed in whole and fractional weeks
TotalYears Gets the value of this instance expressed in whole and fractional years
Weeks Gets the number of whole weeks represented by this instance
Years Gets the number of whole years represented by this instance


Compare Compares two Duration values and returns an integer that indicates their relationship
CompareTo Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication of their relative values
Equals(Object) This is overridden to allow proper comparison of Duration objects
(Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object))
Equals(Duration, Duration) Returns a value indicating whether two specified instances of Duration are equal
FromMonths Returns a Duration that represents a specified number of months, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromWeeks Returns a Duration that represents a specified number of weeks, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromYears Returns a Duration that represents a specified number of years, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
GetHashCode Get a hash code for the duration object
(Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode())
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToDescription() Convert the duration instance to a text description
ToDescription(Duration.MaxUnit) Convert the duration instance to a text description with the specified maximum unit of time
ToString() Convert the duration instance to its ISO 8601 string form
(Overrides ValueType.ToString())
ToString(Duration.MaxUnit) Convert the duration instance to its ISO 8601 string form with the specified maximum unit of time
TryParse Construct a new Duration object from a duration specified in a string. Parameters specify the duration and the variable where the new Duration object is returned.


Equality(Duration, Duration) Overload for equal operator
GreaterThan(Duration, Duration) Overload for greater than operator
GreaterThanOrEqual(Duration, Duration) Overload for greater than or equal operator
Inequality(Duration, Duration) Overload for not equal operator
LessThan(Duration, Duration) Overload for less than operator
LessThanOrEqual(Duration, Duration) Overload for less than or equal operator


TicksPerWeek Represents the number of ticks in 1 week. This field is read-only.
Zero This represents a zero length duration. This field is read-only.

See Also