PropertyType Enumeration
This enumerated type defines all known properties. It is used to map property name strings to the
matching property class.
Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.ParserAssembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public enum PropertyType
Public Enumeration PropertyType
public enum class PropertyType
type PropertyType
Begin | 0 | A BEGIN property |
End | 1 | An END property |
Version | 2 | A VERSION property |
ProductId | 3 | A PRODID property |
Class | 4 | A CLASS property |
Categories | 5 | A CATEGORIES property |
Resources | 6 | A RESOURCES property |
LastModified | 7 | A LAST-MODIFIED property |
Url | 8 | A URL property |
UniqueId | 9 | A UID property |
TimeZone | 10 | A TZ property |
GeographicPosition | 11 | A GEO property |
Comment | 12 | A COMMENT property |
Contact | 13 | A CONTACT property |
Organizer | 14 | An ORGANIZER property |
Attendee | 15 | An ATTENDEE property |
RelatedTo | 16 | A RELATED-TO property |
Attachment | 17 | An ATTACH property |
RecurrenceId | 18 | A RECURRENCE-ID property |
Status | 19 | A STATUS property |
RequestStatus | 20 | A REQUEST-STATUS property |
Summary | 21 | A SUMMARY property |
Description | 22 | A DESCRIPTION property |
Duration | 23 | A DURATION property |
RecurrenceRule | 24 | An RRULE property |
RecurDate | 25 | An RDATE property |
ExceptionRule | 26 | An EXRULE property |
ExceptionDate | 27 | An EXDATE property |
Custom | 28 | A custom (X-???) property |
Profile | 29 | A PROFILE property |
MimeName | 30 | A NAME property |
MimeSource | 31 | A SOURCE property |
Nickname | 32 | A NICKNAME property |
SortString | 33 | A SORT-STRING property |
FormattedName | 34 | An FN property |
Name | 35 | An N property |
Title | 36 | A TITLE property |
Role | 37 | A ROLE property |
Mailer | 38 | A MAILER property |
Organization | 39 | An ORG property |
BirthDate | 40 | A BDAY property |
Revision | 41 | A REV property |
PublicKey | 42 | A KEY property |
Photo | 43 | A PHOTO property |
Logo | 44 | A LOGO property |
Sound | 45 | A SOUND property |
Note | 46 | A NOTE property |
Address | 47 | An ADR property |
Label | 48 | A LABEL property |
Telephone | 49 | A TEL property |
EMail | 50 | An EMAIL property |
Agent | 51 | An AGENT property |
Anniversary | 52 | An ANNIVERSARY property |
Gender | 53 | A GENDER property |
ClientPidMap | 54 | A CLIENTPIDMAP property |
Kind | 55 | A KIND property |
Member | 56 | A MEMBER property |
Related | 57 | A RELATED property |
CalendarScale | 58 | A CALSCALE property |
Method | 59 | A METHOD property |
Daylight | 60 | A DAYLIGHT property |
EndDateTime | 61 | A DTEND property |
Location | 62 | A LOCATION property |
Transparency | 63 | A TRANSP property |
DueDate | 64 | A DUE property |
CompletedDate | 65 | A COMPLETED property |
PercentComplete | 66 | A PERCENT-COMPLETE property |
DateCreated | 67 | A DCREATED/CREATED property |
StartDateTime | 68 | A DTSTART property |
TimeStamp | 69 | A DTSTAMP property |
Priority | 70 | A PRIORITY property |
Sequence | 71 | A SEQUENCE property |
RecurrenceCount | 72 | An RNUM property |
AudioAlarm | 73 | An AALARM property |
DisplayAlarm | 74 | A DALARM property |
EMailAlarm | 75 | An MALARM property |
ProcedureAlarm | 76 | A PALARM property |
Action | 77 | An ACTION property |
Trigger | 78 | A TRIGGER property |
Repeat | 79 | A REPEAT property |
FreeBusy | 80 | A FREEBUSY property |
TimeZoneId | 81 | A TZID property |
TimeZoneUrl | 82 | A TZURL property |
TimeZoneName | 83 | A TZNAME property |
TimeZoneOffsetFrom | 84 | A TZOFFSETFROM property |
TimeZoneOffsetTo | 85 | A TZOFFSETTO property |
ExcludeStartDateTime | 86 | The Exclude Start Date/Time property for recurring items |
Body | 87 | The BODY property for vNote items |