ObservanceRule Methods


ApplyTimeZone The observance rule does not allow time zone IDs on its date/time objects
(Overrides CalendarObject.ApplyTimeZone(VTimeZone))
ClearProperties The method can be called to clear all current property values from the observance. The version and rule type are left unchanged.
(Overrides CalendarObject.ClearProperties())
Clone() This is overridden to allow cloning of a PDI object
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone())
Clone(PDIObject) This is overridden to allow copying of the additional properties
(Overrides PDIObject.Clone(PDIObject))
Equals This is overridden to allow proper comparison of observance objects
(Overrides Object.Equals(Object))
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCode Get a hash code for the calendar object
(Overrides Object.GetHashCode())
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
PropagateVersion This is used to propagate the version to all properties in the object that need it
(Overrides CalendarObject.PropagateVersion())
SetTimeZone The observance rule does not allow time zone IDs on its date/time objects
(Overrides CalendarObject.SetTimeZone(VTimeZone))
TimeZonesUsed The observance rule does not allow time zone IDs on its date/time objects
(Overrides CalendarObject.TimeZonesUsed(StringCollection))
ToString Convert the object instance to its string form
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
UpdateTimeZoneId The observance rule does not allow time zone IDs on its date/time objects
(Overrides CalendarObject.UpdateTimeZoneId(String, String))
WriteToStream(TextWriter) This can be used to write a calendar object to a PDI data stream
(Inherited from CalendarObject)
WriteToStream(TextWriter, StringBuilder) This can be used to write an observance rule to a PDI data stream
(Overrides CalendarObject.WriteToStream(TextWriter, StringBuilder))

See Also