BaseComboBoxCell Class

This data grid view cell type acts as an abstract base class for the combo box cells derived from it


Namespace: EWSoftware.ListControls.DataGridViewControls
Assembly: EWSoftware.ListControls (in EWSoftware.ListControls.dll) Version: 2024.12.18.0+3a863295c73252b22e8ab6862ed6bdc57bcbd0fc
public abstract class BaseComboBoxCell : BaseDataGridViewCell
Object    DataGridViewElement    DataGridViewCell    BaseDataGridViewCell    BaseComboBoxCell


BaseComboBoxCell Constructor


AccessibilityObjectGets the DataGridViewCellDataGridViewCellAccessibleObject assigned to the DataGridViewCell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ColumnIndexGets the column index for this cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ContentBoundsGets the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's content area.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ContextMenuStripGets or sets the shortcut menu associated with the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
DataGridViewGets the DataGridView control associated with this element.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
DataManager This is used to get a reference to the CurrencyManager associated with this control
DataSource This gets or sets the data source for the list control
DefaultNewRowValueGets the default value for a cell in the row for new records.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
DisplayedGets a value that indicates whether the cell is currently displayed on-screen.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
DisplayMember Gets or sets a string that specifies the property of the data source whose contents you want to display.
DisplayStyle Gets or sets a value that determines how the combo box is displayed when it is not in edit mode
DisplayStyleForCurrentCellOnly Get or set whether the display style applies only to the current cell
EditedFormattedValueGets the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
EditingComboBox This is used to get or set the editing combo box control.
EditTypeGets the type of the cell's hosted editing control.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ErrorIconBoundsGets the bounds of the error icon for the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ErrorTextGets or sets the text describing an error condition associated with the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
FirstDisplayedColumnIndex This is used to determine the first displayed column in the associated data grid view
(Inherited from BaseDataGridViewCell)
FirstDisplayedRowIndex This is used to determine the first displayed row in the associated data grid view
(Inherited from BaseDataGridViewCell)
FlatStyle Gets or sets the flat style appearance of the cell
FormattedValueGets the value of the cell as formatted for display.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
FormattedValueType Gets the class type of the formatted value associated with the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellFormattedValueType)
FrozenGets a value indicating whether the cell is frozen.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
HasItemCollection This can be used to determine whether or not the cell has an items collection
HasStyleGets a value indicating whether the Style property has been set.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
InheritedStateGets the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
InheritedStyleGets the style currently applied to the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
IsInEditModeGets a value indicating whether this cell is currently being edited.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
Items Gets the objects that represent the selection displayed in the drop-down list
MaxDropDownItems Gets or sets the maximum number of items to be shown in the drop-down portion of the combo box when first displayed. It also controls how many items are skipped when paging up and down.
OwningColumnGets the column that contains this cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OwningRowGets the row that contains this cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
PreferredSizeGets the size, in pixels, of a rectangular area into which the cell can fit.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ReadOnlyGets or sets a value indicating whether the cell's data can be edited.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ResizableGets a value indicating whether the cell can be resized.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
RowIndexGets the index of the cell's parent row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
SelectedGets or sets a value indicating whether the cell has been selected.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
SizeGets the size of the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
SortOrder Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items in the list control are sorted and, if so, in what order.
StateGets the user interface (UI) state of the element.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
StyleGets or sets the style for the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
TagGets or sets the object that contains supplemental data about the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ToolTipTextGets or sets the ToolTip text associated with this cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ValueGets or sets the value associated with this cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ValueMember Gets or sets a string that specifies the property of the data source from which to draw the value
ValueType Gets or sets the data type of the values in the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellValueType)
VisibleGets a value indicating whether the cell is in a row or column that has been hidden.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)


AdjustCellBorderStyleModifies the input cell border style according to the specified criteria.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
BorderWidthsReturns a Rectangle that represents the widths of all the cell margins.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
CellStateFromColumnRowStates Get the cell state based on the column row states
ClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell is clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
Clone Clone the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellClone)
ComputeBorderStyleCellStateAndCellBounds Compute the border style, cell state, and cell bounds
ComputeErrorIconBounds This is used to compute the cell's error icon bounds
(Inherited from BaseDataGridViewCell)
ContentClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell's content is clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ContentDoubleClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell's content is double-clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
CreateAccessibilityInstanceCreates a new accessible object for the DataGridViewCell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
DetachEditingControl This removes the cell's editing control from the data grid view
(Overrides DataGridViewCellDetachEditingControl)
DisposeReleases all resources used by the DataGridViewCell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
Dispose(Boolean)Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DataGridViewCell and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
DoubleClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether the cell's row will be unshared when the cell is double-clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
EnterUnsharesRowIndicates whether the parent row will be unshared when the focus moves to the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeReleases the unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the DataGridViewCell is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetClipboardContentRetrieves the formatted value of the cell to copy to the Clipboard.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetContentBounds(Int32)Returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's content area using a default Graphics and cell style currently in effect for the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetContentBounds(Graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle, Int32) This returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's content area calculated by using the specified graphics object and cell style.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellGetContentBounds(Graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle, Int32))
GetEditedFormattedValueReturns the current, formatted value of the cell, regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode and the value has not been committed.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetErrorIconBounds Returns the bounding rectangle that encloses the cell's error icon, if one is displayed
(Overrides DataGridViewCellGetErrorIconBounds(Graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle, Int32))
GetErrorTextReturns a string that represents the error for the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetFormattedValue Gets the formatted value of the cell's data
(Overrides DataGridViewCellGetFormattedValue(Object, Int32, DataGridViewCellStyle, TypeConverter, TypeConverter, DataGridViewDataErrorContexts))
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetInheritedContextMenuStripGets the inherited shortcut menu for the current cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetInheritedStateReturns a value indicating the current state of the cell as inherited from the state of its row and column.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetInheritedStyleGets the style applied to the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetPreferredSize Calculates the preferred size, in pixels, of the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellGetPreferredSize(Graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle, Int32, Size))
GetSizeGets the size of the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValueGets the value of the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
InitializeEditingControlInitializes the control used to edit the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
KeyDownUnsharesRowIndicates whether the parent row is unshared if the user presses a key while the focus is on the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
KeyEntersEditMode Determines if edit mode should be started based on the given key
(Overrides DataGridViewCellKeyEntersEditMode(KeyEventArgs))
KeyPressUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared if a key is pressed while a cell in the row has focus.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
KeyUpUnsharesRowIndicates whether the parent row is unshared when the user releases a key while the focus is on the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
LeaveUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the focus leaves a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
MouseClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared if the user clicks a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseDoubleClickUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared if the user double-clicks a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseDownUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the user holds down a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseEnterUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer moves over a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseLeaveUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer leaves the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseMoveUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer moves over a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
MouseUpUnsharesRowIndicates whether a row will be unshared when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell in the row.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnClickCalled when the cell is clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnCommonChange This is used to notify the data grid view of a change that may require it to resize the column and possibly the row.
(Inherited from BaseDataGridViewCell)
OnContentClickCalled when the cell's contents are clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnContentDoubleClickCalled when the cell's contents are double-clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnDataGridViewChanged This is used to reinitialize the data source display and value members when the DataGridView property changes.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnDataGridViewChanged)
OnDoubleClickCalled when the cell is double-clicked.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnEnter This is overridden to set the Ignore Next Click flag based on the data grid's EditMode setting.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnEnter(Int32, Boolean))
OnKeyDownCalled when a character key is pressed while the focus is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnKeyPressCalled when a key is pressed while the focus is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnKeyUpCalled when a character key is released while the focus is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnLeave This is overridden to clear the Ignore Next Click flag when leaving the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnLeave(Int32, Boolean))
OnMouseClick This is used to drop down the list if the button is clicked and we are in edit mode
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnMouseClick(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs))
OnMouseDoubleClickCalled when the user double-clicks a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnMouseDownCalled when the user holds down a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OnMouseEnter This is overridden to invalidate the cell when the mouse enters it when using the Popup flat style and the ComboBox display style.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnMouseEnter(Int32))
OnMouseLeave This is overridden to invalidate the cell when the mouse leaves it when themed and the mouse is over the drop-down button or when using the pop-up combo box style.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnMouseLeave(Int32))
OnMouseMove This is overridden to invalidate the cell as needed when the mouse moves around within it to show the drop-down button as hot or cold.
(Overrides DataGridViewCellOnMouseMove(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs))
OnMouseUpCalled when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is on a cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
OwnsEditingComboBox This is used to determine whether or not the given row owns the editing combo box control
Paint This is overridden to paint the cell
(Overrides DataGridViewCellPaint(Graphics, Rectangle, Rectangle, Int32, DataGridViewElementStates, Object, Object, String, DataGridViewCellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts))
PaintBorderPaints the border of the current DataGridViewCell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
PaintErrorIconPaints the error icon of the current DataGridViewCell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ParseFormattedValue This converts a value formatted for display to an actual cell value
(Overrides DataGridViewCellParseFormattedValue(Object, DataGridViewCellStyle, TypeConverter, TypeConverter))
PositionEditingControlSets the location and size of the editing control hosted by a cell in the DataGridView control.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
PositionEditingPanelSets the location and size of the editing panel hosted by the cell, and returns the normal bounds of the editing control within the editing panel.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
RaiseCellClickRaises the CellClick event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
RaiseCellContentClickRaises the CellContentClick event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
RaiseCellContentDoubleClickRaises the CellContentDoubleClick event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
RaiseCellValueChangedRaises the CellValueChanged event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
RaiseDataErrorRaises the DataError event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
RaiseMouseWheelRaises the MouseWheel event.
(Inherited from DataGridViewElement)
SetValueSets the value of the cell.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)
ToStringReturns a string that describes the current object.
(Inherited from DataGridViewCell)

See Also