public class ResolveConceptualLinksComponent : BuildComponentCore
Public Class ResolveConceptualLinksComponent
Inherits BuildComponentCore
public ref class ResolveConceptualLinksComponent : public BuildComponentCore
type ResolveConceptualLinksComponent =
inherit BuildComponentCore
<!-- Link with inner text -->
<link xlink:href="3ab3113f-984b-19ac-7812-990192aca5b0">Click Here</link>
<!-- Link with anchor reference -->
<link xlink:href="3ab3113f-984b-19ac-7812-990192aca5b1#SubTopic" />
<!-- Link with inner text and an anchor reference -->
<link xlink:href="3ab3113f-984b-19ac-7812-990192aca5b1#PropA">PropertyA</link>
<!-- Resolve conceptual links -->
<component id="Resolve Conceptual Links Component">
<showBrokenLinkText value="true" />
<targets base="xmlComp" type="local" />
ResolveConceptualLinksComponent | Constructor |
BuildAssembler |
This read-only property returns a reference to the build assembler instance using the component
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
GroupId |
This is used to set an optional group ID for use with component events
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
Apply |
This is implemented to resolve the conceptual links
(Overrides BuildComponentCore.Apply(XmlDocument, String)) |
Dispose() |
This implements the Dispose() interface to properly dispose of the build component.
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
Dispose(Boolean) |
This can be overridden by derived classes to add their own disposal code if necessary.
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize |
This handles garbage collection to ensure proper disposal of the build component if not done
explicitly with Dispose().
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Initialize |
This abstract method must be overridden to initialize the component
(Overrides BuildComponentCore.Initialize(XPathNavigator)) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
OnComponentEvent |
This can be used to raise the ComponentEvent
event with the specified event arguments.
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
WriteMessage(MessageLevel, String, Object[]) |
This can be used to report a message
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |
WriteMessage(String, MessageLevel, String, Object[]) |
This can be used to report a message for a specific topic ID
(Inherited from BuildComponentCore) |