BuildProcess Properties


ApiTocOrder This is used to get or set the sort order for API content so that it appears within its parent in the correct position.
ApiTocParentId This is used to get or set the table of contents parent for the API content
BuildAssemblerConfigurationFile This returns the name of the BuildAssembler configuration file
BuildAssemblerManifestFile This returns the name of the BuildAssembler topic manifest file
BuildStart This read-only property returns the build start time
CancellationToken This is used to get or set the cancellation token for the build if running as a task
CommentsFiles This read-only property returns the XML comments files collection
ConceptualContent This is used to get the conceptual content settings in effect for the build
CurrentBuildStep This read-only property is used to get the current build step
CurrentFormat This returns the current help file format being generated
CurrentProject This returns the current project being used for the build
DefaultTopicFile This returns the filename of the default topic as determined by the build engine
FrameworkReflectionData This read-only property returns the framework reflection data settings used by the build
FrameworkReflectionDataFolder This returns the name of the folder that contains the reflection data for the selected framework platform and version (.NETFramework 4.5, .NETCore 4.5, Silverlight 5.0, etc.).
GenerateInheritedDocsTool This provides access to the generate inherited documentation tool during the GenerateInheritedDocumentation build step.
Help1CompilerFolder This returns the name of the HTML Help 1 compiler folder determined by the build process
Help1Files This returns a list of the HTML Help 1 (CHM) files that were built
HelpFormatOutputFolders This read-only property returns a collection of the output folders specific to each help file format produced by the build.
HelpViewerFiles This returns a list of the MS Help Viewer (MSHC) files that were built
HtmlExtractTool This provides access to the title and keyword HTML extract tool during the ExtractingHtmlInfo build step.
Language This read-only property returns the language used for resource items, etc.
LoadedPlugIns This returns a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> containing the currently loaded plug-ins
LogFilename This returns the name of the log file used for saving the build progress messages
MarkdownFiles This returns a list of the Markdown files that were built
OpenXmlFiles This returns a list of the Open XML files that were built
OutputFolder This returns the output folder where the log file and help file can be found after the build process has finished.
PartialBuildType This read-only property is used to get the partial build type
PresentationStyle This returns the presentation instance being used by the build process
PresentationStyleFolder This returns the name of the main Sandcastle presentation style folder determined by the build process.
ProgressReportProvider This is used to get or set the progress report provider
ProjectFilename This returns the project filename without the folder
ProjectFolder This returns the project folder name
ReferencedNamespaces This read-only property returns a hash set used to contain a list of namespaces referenced by the project reflection data files, project XML comments files, and base framework XML comments files.
ReflectionDataSetDictionary This read-only property returns the framework reflection data dictionary used by the build
ReflectionInfoFilename This returns the name of the reflection information file
ResolvedHelpTitle This returns the HelpTitle project property value with all substitution tags it contains, if any, resolved to actual values.
ResolvedHtmlHelpName This returns the HtmlHelpName project property value with all substitution tags it contains, if any, resolved to actual values.
RootContentContainerId This is used to get or set the topic ID to use for the root content container node
SubstitutionTags This returns the substitution tag replacement handler instance
SuppressApiFilter This controls whether or not the API filter is suppressed
TaskRunner This returns the task runner instance
TemplateFolder This returns the location of the help file builder template folder
WebsiteFiles This returns a list of the website files that were built
WorkingFolder This returns the name of the working files folder

See Also