BuildStep Enumeration

This public enumerated type defines the build steps used when reporting progress during a build.


Namespace: SandcastleBuilder.Utils.BuildEngine
Assembly: SandcastleBuilder.Utils (in SandcastleBuilder.Utils.dll) Version: 2024.2.18.0
public enum BuildStep


None0The build has not yet started.
Initializing1Initializing to prepare for build.
ClearWorkFolder2The working folder is about to be created or cleared.
ValidatingDocumentationSources3The documentation source information is being validated and copied to the build folder.
GenerateSharedContent4The shared content files are being generated.
GenerateApiFilter5Generate the API filter for MRefBuilder
GenerateReflectionInfo6The reflection information is being generated by MRefBuilder.
ApplyDocumentModel7The reflection information is being transformed by applying the presentation style's document model to it.
AddNamespaceGroups8Add namespace group entries to the reflection information file.
AddApiTopicFilenames9Add topic filenames to API members in the reflection information file.
GenerateApiTopicManifest10Generate the API topic manifest file.
GenerateNamespaceSummaries11Namespace summary information is being generated.
GenerateInheritedDocumentation12All <inheritDoc /> tags are being expanded.
CopyConceptualContent13The conceptual content files are being copied to the working and output folders.
CreateConceptualTopicConfigs14The conceptual content topic configuration files are being generated.
CopyAdditionalContent15The additional content files are being copied to the help output folder.
MergeTablesOfContents16The conceptual and additional content tables of contents are being merged.
GenerateIntermediateTableOfContents17The intermediate table of contents is being generated.
CreateBuildAssemblerConfigs18The BuildAssembler configuration file is being created.
MergeCustomConfigs19Custom build component configurations are being merged into the BuildAssembler configuration file.
CombiningIntermediateTocFiles20The intermediate table of content files are being merged into a single file.
BuildTopics21Conceptual and/or API reference help file topics are being generated by BuildAssembler.
ExtractingHtmlInfo22Title and keyword index information is being extracted for the HTML Help 1 TOC and index and/or website TOC.
CopyStandardHelpContent23The standard help file content (art, scripts, styles, and other standard presentation style content) is being copied to the help output folder.
GenerateHelpProject24The help project file is being generated.
CompilingHelpFile25The help file project is being compiled.
GenerateFullTextIndex26Generate full-text index for ASP.NET website search.
CopyingWebsiteFiles27The website files are being copied to the output path.
CleanIntermediates28The temporary help project files are being removed.
Completed29The build has completed successfully.
Canceled30The build was canceled by user request.
Failed31The build failed with an unexpected error.

See Also