ApiParentMode | This is used to specify how API content is parented to this topic or the topic's parent |
BasePathProvider | This returns the IBasePathProvider for the entry. |
Children | This returns the child table of contents collection for this entry |
DestinationFile | This is used to get or set the entry's destination file path. |
Id | The ID of the item when it represents a TOC entry from a content layout file |
IsDefaultTopic | This is used to get or set whether or not the item is the default topic for the help file |
IsExpanded | This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is expanded |
IsSelected | This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is selected |
LinkText | The link text for the topic previewer |
Parent | This is used to track the topic's parent collection |
PreviewerTitle | The display title for the topic previewer |
SortOrder | This is used to get or set the sort order for the entry within its group |
SourceFile | This is used to get or set the entry's source file path. |
Title | This is used to get or set the entry's title in the table of contents |
ToolTip | This returns a description of the topic that can be used as a tool tip |
UniqueId | This is used to get or set a unique ID to work around a legacy additional content support issue |