TocEntry Properties


ApiParentMode This is used to specify how API content is parented to this topic or the topic's parent
BasePathProvider This returns the IBasePathProvider for the entry.
Children This returns the child table of contents collection for this entry
DestinationFile This is used to get or set the entry's destination file path.
Id The ID of the item when it represents a TOC entry from a content layout file
IsDefaultTopic This is used to get or set whether or not the item is the default topic for the help file
IsExpanded This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is expanded
IsSelected This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is selected
LinkText The link text for the topic previewer
Parent This is used to track the topic's parent collection
PreviewerTitle The display title for the topic previewer
SortOrder This is used to get or set the sort order for the entry within its group
SourceFile This is used to get or set the entry's source file path.
Title This is used to get or set the entry's title in the table of contents
ToolTip This returns a description of the topic that can be used as a tool tip
UniqueId This is used to get or set a unique ID to work around a legacy additional content support issue

See Also