EnumerationTarget Class

This represents an enumeration target


Namespace: Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.Targets
Assembly: Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.Targets (in Sandcastle.Tools.BuildComponents.Targets.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public sealed class EnumerationTarget : TypeTarget
Object    Target    TypeTarget    EnumerationTarget


EnumerationTarget Constructor


Container This is used to get or set the target's container
(Inherited from Target)
ContainingNamespace This is used to get or set the containing namespace
(Inherited from TypeTarget)
ContainingType This is used to get or set the containing type
(Inherited from TypeTarget)
Elements This read-only property returns a list of enumeration elements
File This is used to get or set the target's reference topic filename
(Inherited from Target)
Id This is used to get or set the target's member ID
(Inherited from Target)
Name This is used to get or set the name
(Inherited from TypeTarget)
Templates This is used to get or set the templates
(Inherited from TypeTarget)


Add This is overridden to add the enumeration along with all of its elements to the target dictionary
(Overrides Target.Add(IDictionary<String, Target>))
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also