Topic Properties


ApiParentMode This is used to specify how API content is parented to this topic or the topic's parent
ContentId This is used to get the content ID from the content layout file
DisplayTitle This read-only property is used to get a title for display (i.e. in the designer)
DocumentType This read-only property is used to get the document type
Id This is used to get the unique ID of the topic
IsDefaultTopic This is used to when merging TOC files to determine the default topic
IsExpanded This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is expanded
IsMSHVRootContentContainer This is used to get or set whether or not the topic will server as the root content container in MS Help Viewer output
IsSelected This is used to get or set whether or not the entity is selected
Keywords This is used to get the index keywords that will be added to the MAML topic
LinkText This is used to get or set the topic's optional link text
NoTopicFile This read-only property returns true if there is no associated topic file by choice rather than it not being found.
Parent This is used to track the topic's parent collection
RevisionNumber This is used to get the topic's revision number
Subtopics This is used to get the sub-topics beneath this topic
Title This is used to get the required title that should be used for the topic
TocTitle This is used to get or set the topic's optional table of contents title
ToolTip This returns a description of the topic that can be used as a tool tip
TopicFile This is used to get or set the topic file information related to the topic
TopicFilename This is used to get the filename of the related project file (if any)
Visible This is used to get or set whether or not the topic is visible in the table of contents

See Also