ExtendedTreeViewExpandoImageList Property

This property is used to set or get the expando image list used to show the +/- images when the ShowPlusMinus property is set to true.


Namespace: EWSoftware.ListControls
Assembly: EWSoftware.ListControls (in EWSoftware.ListControls.dll) Version: 2023.4.9.0
public ImageList ExpandoImageList { get; set; }

Property Value


The default is null to use the standard images. If set, the image list should contain images in the following order:

Image IndexDescription
0Unthemed collapse image (required)
1Unthemed expand image (required)
2Themed collapse image (optional)
3Themed expand image (optional)

If you do not need separate themed and unthemed versions, you may omit the last two entries.

See Also