EWSoftware.ListControls Namespace

Windows Forms list controls developed by Eric Woodruff.

This is the main name space for all of the list control classes.


AutoCompleteComboBox This is a standard combo box control that supplies an auto-complete feature that selects the best match as the user types text into it. Auto-completion works for all combo box styles.
BaseButtonList This is an abstract base button list control that supports data binding, layout options, and data source indexers and serves as the base class for the RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList controls.
BaseComboBox This is an abstract base class for use in creating the MultiColumnComboBox and UserControlComboBox controls.
BaseListControl This is the abstract base list control class used to contain the common item collection and data binding elements for many of the list controls in this library.
BaseListControlObjectCollection This object collection is used to hold items for the list controls and is sortable in ascending or descending order.
ChangePolicyEventArgs This is used for the DataList.ChangePolicyModified and DataNavigator.ChangePolicyModified events.
CheckBoxList This control is a multi-selection checkbox list that supports data binding, layout options, and data source indexers.
CheckedIndicesCollection This is a derived ReadOnlyCollectionT class that contains a set of indices from a CheckBoxList control. Each entry represents the index of an item that has a check state of Checked or Indeterminate.
CheckedItemsCollection This is a derived ReadOnlyCollectionT class that contains a set of items from a CheckBoxList control. Each entry represents an item that has a check state of Checked or Indeterminate.
CheckedNodesCollection This is a derived ReadOnlyCollectionT class that contains a set of nodes from a ExtendedTreeView control. Each entry represents a node that has a check state of Checked or Mixed.
ClickableLabel A standard label control with the ability to focus the first selectable control following it when clicked (by tab order) or the parent if not.
DataList This control allows you to specify a user control template to display and edit information from a data source similar in nature to the DataList web server control, the sub-form control or continuous forms detail section in a Microsoft Access form, or the DataRepeater control from Visual Basic 6.
DataListBeginDragEventArgs This is used for the data list BeginDrag event
DataListCancelEventArgs This is used for various cancelable data list events (adding, deleting, etc.)
DataListEventArgs This is used for various data list events (item bound, added, deleted, current, etc.).
DataListHitTestInfo This is used to contain information about a location within a DataList control such as the row and/or area at a specified location.
DataNavigator This control is used to navigate through a specified data source and perform operations on it such as editing, inserting, or deleting records, etc. along with other controls on the form that are bound to the same data source.
DataNavigatorCancelEventArgs This is used for various cancelable data navigator events (adding, deleting, etc.)
DataNavigatorEventArgs This is used for various data navigator events (added, deleted, current, etc.)
DrawTreeNodeExtendedEventArgs This is used to provide information for the ExtendedTreeView events TreeNodeDrawing and TreeNodeDrawn.
DropDownControl This is the drop-down control used as the source for creating the drop-down portion of the UserControlComboBox control.
ExtendedTreeView This is an extended tree view control that is fully owner-drawn to overcome some limitations in the way the default tree view is drawn. It also provides several additional features to make it easier to use than the standard tree view control.
ItemCheckStateEventArgs This is used to provide information about a CheckBoxList item that had a change in its check state.
ListItem This is a simple list item object that can be used as part of a collection suitable for binding to a combo box, radio button list, list box, etc.
MultiColumnComboBox This is a multi-column combo box control that supports all features of the standard Windows Forms combo box but displays a multi-column drop-down list and has some extra features such as auto-completion and row/column indexers.
RadioButtonList This control is a single-selection radio button list that supports data binding, layout options, and data source indexers.
StringCollection A type-safe collection of String objects
TemplateControl This is a template control used as the source for creating rows in the DataList control
TreeNodeEnumerator A type-safe enumerator for tree view controls that can be used to enumerate all of its nodes recursively or one branch of it.
UserControlComboBox This is a user control combo box control that supports all features of the standard Windows Forms combo box but displays a user control for its drop-down and has some extra features such as auto-completion and row/column indexers.


ListPadding This structure is used to specify the padding (in pixels) for the RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList controls.


DataListHitType This enumerated type defines the hit test locations for the data list
LayoutMethod This enumerated type defines the layout method for the BaseButtonList control and its derived classes.
ListSortOrder This enumerated type defines the sort order option for list controls
NodeCheckState This public enumerated type defines the node checked states for the ExtendedTreeView control.
NodeParts This public enumerated type defines the various node parts that are to be drawn for the ExtendedTreeView control.
RowPosition This enumerated type defines the fixed row positions that can be used with the DataList.MoveTo and DataNavigator.MoveTo methods.