DataListSetDataBinding(Object, String, Type, Type, Type) Method

Calling this method is the equivalent of setting the DataSource, DataMember, RowTemplate, HeaderTemplate, and FooterTemplate properties individually.


Namespace: EWSoftware.ListControls
Assembly: EWSoftware.ListControls (in EWSoftware.ListControls.dll) Version: 2023.4.9.0
public void SetDataBinding(
	Object dataSource,
	string member,
	Type rowTemplateType,
	Type headerTemplateType,
	Type footerTemplateType


dataSource  Object
The data source to use
member  String
The data member in the data source to use, if any
rowTemplateType  Type
The template control type to use for creating the rows
headerTemplateType  Type
The template control type to use for creating the header, if any
footerTemplateType  Type
The template control type to use for creating the footer, if any

See Also