SampleClass.VariousListExamples Method

This method shows various examples of the list XML comments element.


Namespace: XMLCommentsExamples
Assembly: XMLCommentsExamples (in XMLCommentsExamples.dll) Version: 2014.1.26.0
public void VariousListExamples()


A simple bulleted list. The term and description elements are optional for simple string descriptions.

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

Bullet list with terms and definitions. The term is highlighted and separated from the definition with a dash.

  • maxLen – field must contain no more than the specified number of characters
  • minLen – field must contain at least the specified number of characters
  • maxVal – field must contain a number that is no larger than the specified value
  • minVal – field must contain a number that is no smaller than the specified value
  • pattern – field must match the specified regular expression

A simple numbered list. The term and description elements are optional for simple string descriptions.

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

This next numbered list uses the optional start attribute to continue numbering where the last one left off.

  1. Fourth item
  2. Fifth item
  3. Sixth item

Numbered list with terms and definitions.

  1. maxLen – field must contain no more than the specified number of characters
  2. minLen – field must contain at least the specified number of characters
  3. maxVal – field must contain a number that is no larger than the specified value
  4. minVal – field must contain a number that is no smaller than the specified value
  5. pattern – field must match the specified regular expression

Definition list.

field must contain no more than the specified number of characters
field must contain at least the specified number of characters
field must contain a number that is no larger than the specified value
field must contain a number that is no smaller than the specified value
field must match the specified regular expression

Two-column table list with terms and definitions.

maxLenfield must contain no more than the specified number of characters
minLenfield must contain at least the specified number of characters
maxValfield must contain a number that is no larger than the specified value
minValfield must contain a number that is no smaller than the specified value
patternfield must match the specified regular expression

A table with multiple columns. term or description can be used to create the columns in each row.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
R1, C1R1, C2R1, C3R1, C4
R2, C1R2, C2R2, C3R2, C4

See Also