LanguageSpecificText Class

This class is used to define language specific text used by a presentation style


Namespace: Sandcastle.Core.PresentationStyle.Transformation.Elements.Html
Assembly: Sandcastle.Core (in Sandcastle.Core.dll) Version: 2024.2.18.0
public sealed class LanguageSpecificText
Object    LanguageSpecificText


These elements are translated to script calls by the Language Specific Text build component in HTML-based presentation styles. In those that don't support script such as Open XML, the build task that generates the final content replaces them with the neutral text equivalent or removes them.



ApplyKeywordStyle This read-only property returns true if the KeywordStyleName will be applied to the rendered language-specific text or false if not.
KeywordStyleName This is used to get or set the keyword style name
Text This read-only property returns an enumerable list of the language specific text


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Render Render the language specific text
RenderKeyword This can be used to render an unrecognized language keyword with an appropriate style
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)


ArrayOfOpening This represents the "array of" opening text. Closing text is rendered dynamically due to the need to show rank if defined.
CPlusPlus This represents the C++ language identifier
CSharp This represents the C# language identifier
FSharp This represents the F# language identifier
LanguageSpecificTextStyleName The style name to use for language specific text. This is used by the build component.
NameSeparator This represents the common name separators
Neutral This represents the neutral language identifier
ReferenceTo This represents the closing text for "reference to" characters
TypeSpecializationClosing This represents the common generic type specialization closing characters (<T>)
TypeSpecializationOpening This represents the common generic type specialization opening characters (<T>)
VisualBasic This represents the Visual Basic language identifier

See Also