VisibleItems Enumeration
This public enumerated type defines the optional visible items to include in the help file
Namespace: Sandcastle.CoreAssembly: Sandcastle.Core (in Sandcastle.Core.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public enum VisibleItems
Public Enumeration VisibleItems
public enum class VisibleItems
type VisibleItems
None | 0x00000000 | None of the optional items are documented. Only public types and members will be documented. |
Attributes | 0x00000001 | Document attributes. |
ExplicitInterfaceImplementations | 0x00000002 | Document explicit interface implementations. |
InheritedMembers | 0x00000004 | Document inherited members. |
InheritedFrameworkMembers | 0x00000008 | Document inherited framework members. For this to work, InheritedMembers must also
be enabled. |
InheritedFrameworkInternalMembers | 0x00000010 | Document inherited internal framework members. For this to work InheritedFrameworkMembers
must also be enabled. |
InheritedFrameworkPrivateMembers | 0x00000020 | Document inherited private framework members. For this to work InheritedFrameworkMembers
must also be enabled. |
Internals | 0x00000040 | Document internal members. |
Privates | 0x00000080 | Document private members. |
PrivateFields | 0x00000100 | Document private fields. For this to work, Privates must also be enabled. |
Protected | 0x00000200 | Document protected members. |
SealedProtected | 0x00000400 | Document protected members of sealed classes. For this to work, Protected must also
be enabled. |
ProtectedInternalAsProtected | 0x00000800 | Document "protected internal" members as "protected" only. |
NoPIATypes | 0x00001000 | Document no-PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) embedded COM types. |
PublicCompilerGenerated | 0x00002000 | Include public compiler generated types/members. |
EditorBrowsableNever | 0x00004000 | Document members marked with an EditorBrowsableAttribute
set to Never. |
NonBrowsable | 0x00008000 | Document members marked with a BrowsableAttribute
set to False. |
InternalAndPrivateIfExternal | 0x00010000 | Include internal members from other assemblies and private members from base types. For
this to work, the internal and/or private member options must also be enabled. Inherited internal
and private framework members are not affected by this as they are controlled by the other related
options. |