VisibleItems Enumeration

This public enumerated type defines the optional visible items to include in the help file


Namespace: Sandcastle.Core
Assembly: Sandcastle.Core (in Sandcastle.Core.dll) Version: 2024.12.21.0
public enum VisibleItems


None0x00000000None of the optional items are documented. Only public types and members will be documented.
Attributes0x00000001Document attributes.
ExplicitInterfaceImplementations0x00000002Document explicit interface implementations.
InheritedMembers0x00000004Document inherited members.
InheritedFrameworkMembers0x00000008Document inherited framework members. For this to work, InheritedMembers must also be enabled.
InheritedFrameworkInternalMembers0x00000010Document inherited internal framework members. For this to work InheritedFrameworkMembers must also be enabled.
InheritedFrameworkPrivateMembers0x00000020Document inherited private framework members. For this to work InheritedFrameworkMembers must also be enabled.
Internals0x00000040Document internal members.
Privates0x00000080Document private members.
PrivateFields0x00000100Document private fields. For this to work, Privates must also be enabled.
Protected0x00000200Document protected members.
SealedProtected0x00000400Document protected members of sealed classes. For this to work, Protected must also be enabled.
ProtectedInternalAsProtected0x00000800Document "protected internal" members as "protected" only.
NoPIATypes0x00001000Document no-PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) embedded COM types.
PublicCompilerGenerated0x00002000Include public compiler generated types/members.
EditorBrowsableNever0x00004000Document members marked with an EditorBrowsableAttribute set to Never.
NonBrowsable0x00008000Document members marked with a BrowsableAttribute set to False.
InternalAndPrivateIfExternal0x00010000Include internal members from other assemblies and private members from base types. For this to work, the internal and/or private member options must also be enabled. Inherited internal and private framework members are not affected by this as they are controlled by the other related options.

See Also