BE0067: Unable to obtain assembly name from project file

Error BE0067: Unable to obtain assembly name from project file '[projectFile]' using Configuration '[config]', Platform '[platform]'


The assembly name was unable to be determined in the specified Visual Studio project file because it does not contain a definition for the indicated configuration and platform value combination.


Check the following conditions and correct as indicated:

  • Check the configuration and platform values to make sure that you did not misspell them. If misspelled, correct the spelling either on the command line if doing a command line build or in the project's documentation source entry in the Configuration and Platform property settings.
  • If a Configuration or Platform environment variable is defined (the names are case-insensitive), MSBuild will pick up that value and use it as a default if not defined elsewhere. If not needed, delete the environment variables. If they are needed, override their values by specifying the correct value using MSBuild command line options or the Configuration and Platform properties on the documentation source entry for the project.
  • Check the Visual Studio project to ensure that it contains a configuration and platform definition for the specified values. If not, add them using the configuration manager. If not applicable to the project, use the documentation source entry's Configuration and Platform properties to specify the values to use for this particular project.

See Also

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