Version 2018.5.14.0

Release notes for version 2018.5.14.0.


  • Added support for colorizing Xamarin Android code blocks (those with a language ID of axml).

  • Added reflection data set files for .NET Framework 4.7.1 and 4.7.2.

Sandcastle Tools

  • Merged changes from Emmanuel Osimosu to fix a null reference exception that could occur under certain conditions in MRefBuilder.

  • Updated the Shared Content Component so that it looks for an undefined attribute on content items. If the content item is not found, it uses the value of the undefined attribute as the content item value. This allows unknown code languages to be added without having to modify all of the presentation styles.

  • Fixed the Syntax Component so that if an unknown language ID is encountered, it attempts to find a friendly name using the code colorizer definitions or, failing that, uses the language ID as the title rather than omitting it completely. This allows unknown languages to be added without the need for modifying the presentation styles or code colorizer rules.

  • Added member ID and XPath expression info to XPath exceptions in the GenerateInheritedDocs tool to help locate the cause of such problems in the XML comments (i.e. invalid expressions in the select attribute).

Sandcastle Help File Builder

  • Fixed the project platform check so that it works properly with .NETPortable project types.

  • Fixed the Visual Studio package so that the extended completion set handler's command filter does not break other Visual Studio commands like Edit.Goto.

  • Fixed the Visual Studio package so that it does not throw an exception when devenv.exe is invoked for a command line build.

  • Fixed the Additional Reference Links plug-in so that it does not fail if the OutDir variable is undefined.

  • Fixed the Documented Entities Only plug-in so that it correctly includes commented types with no members other than an excluded auto-documented default constructor.

  • Added another member ID fix-up to the common C++ set in the Member ID Fix-Ups plug-in submitted by Andy Dennie.

  • Added XML comments file validation checks to throw out those with ill-formed content. It now issues a BE0031 warning instead.

Presentation Styles

  • Updated all presentation styles to add the undefined element to code language content item elements to pass a value to use for the language if a named shared content item does not exist for it. This allows unknown code languages to be added without having to modify all of the presentation styles.

See Also

Other Resources