Recurrence Properties


ByDay This is used to modify the BYDAY rule of a recurrence
ByHour This is used to modify the BYHOUR rule of a recurrence
ByMinute This is used to modify the BYMINUTE rule of a recurrence
ByMonth This is used to modify the BYMONTH rule of a recurrence
ByMonthDay This is used to modify the BYMONTHDAY rule of a recurrence
BySecond This is used to modify the BYSECOND rule of a recurrence
BySetPos This is used to modify the BYSETPOS rule of a recurrence
ByWeekNo This is used to modify the BYWEEKNO rule of a recurrence
ByYearDay This is used to modify the BYYEARDAY rule of a recurrence
CanOccurOnHoliday This is used to set or get whether or not the instances can occur on a holiday
CustomProperties This returns a set of custom properties (if any) found when the recurrence properties where parsed from a string.
Frequency This property is used to set or get the current recurrence frequency
Holidays This is used to add holidays to the recurrence holiday list. These will be used in conjunction with the CanOccurOnHoliday option if it is set to false.
InstanceHolidays This is used to add holidays to the recurrence instance. These will be used in conjunction with the CanOccurOnHoliday option if it is set to false.
Interval This property is used to set or get the interval between instances (the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years based on the recurrence frequency).
IsAdvancedPattern This read-only property is used to examine the recurrence and determine if it is a simple pattern or an advanced pattern.
MaximumOccurrences This is used to get or set the maximum number of occurrences that should be generated by the recurrence.
RecurUntil When retrieved, this property can be used to determine the end date of a recurrence based on the current settings. When set, it makes the recurrence end after the specified date.
StartDateTime This is used to set or get the starting date/time for the recurrence
WeekStart This property is used to set or get the day of the week on which a week begins. This only applies to weekly and yearly recurrences.

See Also