RecurringObject.AllInstances Method

This method is used to return all recurring instances based on the current settings alone


Namespace: EWSoftware.PDI.Objects
Assembly: EWSoftware.PDI.Data (in EWSoftware.PDI.Data.dll) Version: 2025.1.9.0
public DateTimeInstanceCollection AllInstances(
	bool inLocalTime


inLocalTime  Boolean
If true, the date/times are returned expressed in local time. If false, they are returned expressed in the time zone of the object as specified by the TimeZoneId property. If no time zone ID has been specified or it cannot be found, local time is used.

Return Value

Returns a DateTimeInstanceCollection containing DateTimeInstance objects that represent all instances found using the current settings. Instances may have a different duration than that of the component if created from an RDATE property.


This is best used with recurrences that end after a specific number of occurrences or by a specific date. If set to never end, this will return a really large collection of instances.


ArgumentExceptionThis is thrown if a start date has not been specified (it equals DateTime.MinValue) or the duration is negative.

See Also