ExRuleProperty Properties


CharacterSet This is used to set or get the character set used for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
CustomParameters This property is used to set or get a string containing custom parameters that are not part of the specification. These are usually prefixed with "X-" to indicate an extension.
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
DefaultValueLocation This read-only property defines the default value type as RECUR
(Inherited from RRuleProperty)
EncodedValue This is overridden to handle parsing of the recurrence value to/from its string form
(Inherited from RRuleProperty)
EncodingMethod Set or get the encoding method for this property's value as a value in the EncodingType enumeration.
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
EncodingString Set or get the encoding method for this property's value as a string
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Group The group to which this property belongs
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Language This is used to set or get the language used for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
PropertyId This is used to get or set the property ID for the value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Recurrence This is used to get the recurrence rule information
(Inherited from RRuleProperty)
Tag This read-only property defines the tag (EXRULE)
(Overrides RRuleProperty.Tag)
Value This is overridden to handle parsing of the recurrence value to/from its string form
(Inherited from RRuleProperty)
ValueLocation The value (data) type or location of this property's value
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
Version This is overridden to enforce the correct encoding type when the version changes
(Inherited from BaseProperty)
VersionsSupported This is used to establish the specification versions supported by the PDI object
(Inherited from RRuleProperty)

See Also