
This element is used to specify a language keyword. Unlike codeInline, the keyword is connected to the language filter in the topic if the presentation styles supports it and the keyword text will change appropriately based on the selected language.


Enter the element in the topic and specify one of the recognized language keywords as the inner text. The keyword can be any of the following values: null, Nothing, nullptr, static, shared, virtual, Overridable, true, True, false, False, abstract, MustInherit, sealed, NotInheritable, async, await, async/await, Async, Await, Async/Await, let!, async/let!.

If a keyword other than one of those listed is specified, it is passed through with general keyword formatting and will not change based on the language filter setting.


        <para>Change the language filter setting to see the keyword change:
<languageKeyword>null</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>Nothing</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>nullptr</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>static</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>shared</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>virtual</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>Overridable</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>true</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>True</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>false</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>False</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>abstract</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>MustInherit</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>sealed</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>NotInheritable</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>async</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>await</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>async/await</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>Async, Await</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>Async/Await</languageKeyword>,
<languageKeyword>let!</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>async/let!</languageKeyword></para>

        <para>These are unrecognized and will not change based on the language filter setting: 
<languageKeyword>foreach</languageKeyword>, <languageKeyword>while</languageKeyword>,

Example Output

Change the language filter setting to see the keyword change: , , , , shared, , , , , , , , , , , , , /, Async, Await, /, , /

These are unrecognized and will not change based on the language filter setting: foreach, while, Function

See Also