TemplateControlBind Method

This is used to bind controls to the row source. Derived controls must override this to provide data binding support even if they contain no bound controls.


Namespace: EWSoftware.ListControls
Assembly: EWSoftware.ListControls (in EWSoftware.ListControls.dll) Version: 2024.12.18.0+3a863295c73252b22e8ab6862ed6bdc57bcbd0fc
protected virtual void Bind()


This will not be called until the template is scrolled into view. This saves time and resources during the initial startup phase of a form that contains a data list control. Templates are re-bound under many conditions. If adding bindings to controls manually, be sure to clear the DataBindings collection on all bound controls first. A better alternative is to use the overloaded AddBinding(Control, String, String) method as it will take care of that for you.


protected override void Bind()
    this.AddBinding(txtFName, "Text", "FirstName");
    this.AddBinding(txtLName, "Text", "LastName");
    this.AddBinding(txtAddress, "Text", "Address");
    this.AddBinding(txtCity, "Text", "City");
    this.AddBinding(cboState, "SelectedValue", "State");
    this.AddBinding(txtZip, "Text", "Zip");
    this.AddBinding(udcSumValue, "Text", "SumValue");


NotImplementedExceptionThis is thrown if the method is not overridden and the base implementation is called.

See Also