BaseComboBoxDrawItemImage Event

This event is raised when the control needs to draw the image to the left of the text value


Namespace: EWSoftware.ListControls
Assembly: EWSoftware.ListControls (in EWSoftware.ListControls.dll) Version: 2024.12.18.0+3a863295c73252b22e8ab6862ed6bdc57bcbd0fc
public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItemImage




The event is passed a DrawItemEventArgs object. The following properties in it are set:

BackColorThe background color for the combo box.
BoundsThe bounds of the area for the image.
FontThe font being used by the combo box.
ForeColorThe foreground color for the combo box.
GraphicsThe graphics object that can be used to draw the image.
IndexThe index of the currently selected item.
StateThe current item state(s) for the combo box. This can be None or one or more of the values Disabled, Focus, and/or Selected.

See Also