EWSoftware.ImageMaps.Windows.Forms Namespace

This namespace contains the classes related to the Windows Forms image map control and image areas.


DrawImageEventArgs This is a custom event arguments class for the DrawImage event.
ImageAreaBase This is the abstract base class for the image area types of the Windows Forms ImageMap control.
ImageAreaCircle This is the circle image area class
ImageAreaEllipse This is the ellipse image area class
ImageAreaPolygon This is the polygon image area class
ImageAreaRectangle This is the rectangle image area class
ImageMap This is a derived UserControl class that can be used to display an image map (an image with clickable hot spots).


AreaClickAction This enumerated type defines the action to take when an area is clicked in the Windows Forms ImageMap control.
DrawState This enumerated type defines the drawing states for the image map and the image areas when their OwnerDraw property is set to true.
ImageAreaEvent This enumerated type defines the events that can be raised by an image area