Version 2022.2.6.0

Release notes for version 2022.2.6.0. This release is a minor update to version 2022.1.22.0 which originally contained these changes.

Changes in This Release

  • Potential breaking changes:

    • FileCreatedEventArgs was moved to the Sandcastle.Core assembly so that it is available to other build components.

    • TransformingTopicEventArgs and TransformedTopicEventArgs where renamed to ApplyingChangesEventArgs and AppliedChangesEventArgs and were moved to the Sandcastle.Core assembly so that they are available to other build components and can be used for other tasks besides topic transformation.

  • Fixed an incorrect path issue on default empty place holder topics in help viewer output.

  • Fixed a problem with the GID0009 circular reference warning for inherited documentation.

  • Fixed a condition that caused a failure when merging duplicate API entries in the reflection information file

  • Added the TargetFrameworkVersion element back to the help file builder project templates. It turns out Visual Studio needs it if the .NET 4.0 targeting pack is not installed to prevent it prompting to upgrade the project to one of the installed targeting packs.

  • Added the Pre-transform Document Dump Component. This is a presentation style development aid. It saves the pre-transformed content of each document to a file in a .\RawDocs subfolder in the project's working folder. These files can be used for testing presentation style transformations without having to do a full project build. This is more for use with upcoming features and its functionality may change as those plans are revised and implemented.

See Also

Other Resources